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Everything posted by Morch

  1. @thaibeachlovers That would be based on your experience? Imagination? The need to post something that sounds authoritative?
  2. @ozimoron Someone is that close to having a Haley moment.
  3. @thaibeachlovers Being the strategic genius that you are, how would you tackle the fact that this group is disrupting international maritime commerce?
  4. Only if you promise not to whine afterwards about civilian casualties, massacres, slaughter, genocide and so on....
  5. @ozimoron No, it's more like you don't want to understand the concept of using' human shields' and how it relates to international laws, war crimes and so on. You're just making up stuff about what posters believe and regarding facts.
  6. @billd766 You do not get to dictate who's 'decent' and who's not. And no, the right to defend oneself is not up for debate, other than in your mind. People die in wars, that's reality. That you think wars can be conducted without innocents being harmed is just another one of your contrived fantasies. Don't recall you having that many issues with Hamas slaughtering Israelis on 7/10 - you hardly even mention it.
  7. @ozimoron I don't think anyone claimed all civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip were 'human shields'. That would be your own spin and BS. Some were, some death are what's known as 'collateral damage' or 'people die in wars'.
  8. @billd766 Why don't you read the post that was replied to for context?
  9. Int'l Court of Justice unlikely to order Gaza cease-fire, Justice Ministry officials tell Haaretz https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2024-01-11/ty-article-live/ahead-of-world-court-hearing-netanyahu-rejects-calls-for-gaza-population-transfer/0000018c-f676-dd68-a3cf-f6feba5b0000?liveBlogItemId=531092950#531092950 These three injunction scenarios raise further issues and questions: (a) Letting in more aid - doable, but how can be guaranteed it would be properly distributed? That convoys won't be hijacked by Hamas? Or used by Hamas to mask movements? Given Israel's scaling down of operations, some of that could be implemented as before (timed 'pauses' etc.), but it's just a matter of time before something will go wrong. (b) An investigation? By whom? Who will they investigate and how? What powers does such an inquiry have anyway (I suspect none)? (c) Gazans returning to the North of the Strip? To where? A whole lot of homes are destroyed, infrastructure is a mess, operations still going on. Not sure what's the value of this other than PR. Without some form of sustained rehabilitation (which can only come post-war) this might as well make things even worse, more complicated. As for (d) Stop the war - and then what? Leave the hostages in Hamas hands? Let Hamas re-arm? Smuggle hostages out of the Gaza Strip? The main problem I see with any injunction that might be given is that it's just a patch, a feelgood measure, a PR effort. Nothing the ICJ got on offer really addresses the issues.
  10. I don't know about Hat Yai, but This is quite normal. Not everyone is into foreign food. Many like their own stuff and what they are familiar with. Was in Pratunam (Bangkok) last month, packed with Indian tourists, and a whole lot of Indian restaurants almost side by side, packed with them. Menus in Hindi too, some staff as well.
  11. @ozimoron What does it have to do with having a 'sovereign state'? Wars and conflict aren't always between two sovereign states. Amusing you'd comment about 'might have a point, when you do not actually got one at all.
  12. Got to love 'impartial' posters rejecting generalizations when applied to the Palestinians, embracing them when referring to Israelis.
  13. If there is an injunction given (even a relatively minor one, say regarding safe entry of aid), how would it 'not affect' Israel's war effort? All the more so if the injunction is more heavy weight? What you see from Israeli right wing ministers and politicians is Netanyahu's own political games coming to roost. A few years ago some of these players were in the backbenches or even political pariahs. Political and personal necessities made him normalize them, up to a point where his control of his minions is slipping. It's actually amazing that they are still at it - the other day, there was a poster who called Netanyahu a 'tyrant' - what kind of 'tyrant' can't make his underlings put a sock in it?
  14. @thaibeachlovers You mean like them posts where you feign 'concern' for people from countries you oppose?
  15. ‘We should be worried’: Israel faces peril at The Hague in Gaza ‘genocide’ case https://www.timesofisrael.com/we-should-be-worried-israel-faces-peril-at-the-hague-in-gaza-genocide-case/
  16. One could almost believe you care about Ukraine and the Ukrainians. How are things working out for Russia and Russians? All them dead young men, not a whole lot gained....
  17. @thaibeachlovers I don't know that you lot express the same sort of reserved understanding when such generalizations are applies to 'all Muslims', 'all Arabs', 'all Palestinians', 'all Gazans'. Somehow it's ok when it's about Jews.
  18. @thaibeachlovers What you fail to understand is that the responsibility referred to is not quite unconditional. Given Hamas being an elected leadership, and it assuming control of the Gaza Strip, plus it's obvious agenda and actions - there's less constraint on Israel. The blockade on the Gaza Strip was considered legit (given Israel's security concerns) by at least one UN inquiry committee. Also, while you focus on Israel, the same blockade is/was maintained by Egypt. Hamas doesn't have the right to rape, mutilate bodies, take hostages or kill Israelis. Guess you can't get your head over that.
  19. @thaibeachlovers Coming from someone who 'understands' fighting to the last man on other conflict, this is pretty dishonest.
  20. How about mentioning what happens to this 'protected' status when a terrorist group uses the premises? This BBC piece is pretty light on mentioning Hamas. It's almost as if this war got nothing to do with it.
  21. Report: Qatari proposal would see exile of Hamas leaders in exchange for release of hostages https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/report-qatari-proposal-would-see-exile-of-hamas-leaders-in-exchange-for-release-of-hostages/ Hard to tell if this is a serious offer, and if Hamas leaders in Gaza agree to it. How it will fare with regard to the Israeli government is also unknown (and quite dependent on which 'cabinet' makes the decision). There are a whole lot of missing details, so hard to say if this can be acceptable, doable and if it's reasonable. One point which might be an issue is the Hamas's role (if any) in the Gaza Strip, on 'the day after'. I don't think Israel will be willing to accept that, for example. Similarly, as Hamas will retain some of its military capabilities, this will probably not hold long anyway. In terms of releasing the hostages, life returning to normal (sort of) in Israel, and aid reaching the Gaza Strip, that might be the best available solution. In terms of addressing the standing issues (whether long term ones or specifically with regard to this war), not so much.
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