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Posts posted by stevenl

  1. I have not missed any point in this thread. As I pointed out, it is good that something was done about this 'zoo', and more can and should be done.

    What I did not miss was you crying out: illegal, cops receiving beermoney, when that is most probably not the case. It may not be according to your or mine values, but neither your nor mine values makes something legal or illegal.

  2. Just the joint account would not make a loan she makes on that account your loan. You would have to sign for a loan in your name as well. So I would not worry if I were you.

  3. Being "allowed" by the plod taking beer money does not make it legal.
    Maybe you'd better read the whole thread.
    I think about 2 years ago there was the possibility to register wild animals in captivity. Those animals registered then were allowed to stay, new ones are not allowed any more.
    So yes, it does make it legal and has nothing to do with beer money.
  4. I'm looking at buying a new phone. Main use would be standard calls, plus on occasion email checks and internet browsing (in Thailand Wifi, don't know yet for other countries while abroad once a year).

    Music, pictures are nice but not really important.

    Considering the quality of the sales staff in phone shops here on Phuket, anybody any suggestions what to buy?

  5. I don't think so; surely Eagles are both a protected species and "endangered"

    No-one should be allowed to keep such beautiful birds in cages or on strings; it's cruel and ILLEGAL.

    Sure, if you think so.

    Agree with you it should not be allowed, but it is allowed, and therefor legal. Writing your opinion in capitals does not make the argument any better or stronger.

  6. You still see Sea Eagles tied to a stick at Kata Viewpoint; and a police car with two policemen just looking on, last time I passed.Taking the money I expect.
    I think about 2 years ago there was the possibility to register wild animals in captivity. Those animals registered then were allowed to stay, new ones are not allowed any more.

    The eagles at Kata View point have been there a long time already, so I presume they are registered and legal.

    But excellent they have taken action at that private zoo, hope they keep doing things like that. Since it was reported and action was taken (twice even), this means that it is possible to do something about things like this.

  7. I used to drive a Yamaha XS1100S, I even imported it to Thailand. But after a while I came to the conclusion that there is really no point in having a big bike like that here, even stronger, it is really dangerous IMO. And since I don't have enough time to ride it just for the fun, I decided to sell it.

  8. I can only speak personally and have been here just over a year, but I've found that the Farangs here rip you off far more than Thais.
    Totally agree with that.
  9. if you do like most farang do and come and drink and booze and hang out with hookers and do all that sorta stuff, your chances of this kinda stuff happening skyrockets...mix in some drugs and/or owning real estate and now you are playing russian roullette.
    Do that back home and you won't survive very long as well. But in Thailand you think one can behave like this and live a long and happy life?
  10. es true but I really need to look at the rest of my life to be safe. So would need to still generate income which is why I was looking at a buisness.
    Most of the businesses, especially started by foreigners, fail miserably within a short period of time, and a lot of money will have gone by then.

    Invest your money and get a steady income out of that, and you will be able to live from your money for the rest of your life. Start a business, and chances are within a couple of years you'll be broke.

  11. I would think that if anybody on the island has it it will be big Joe Up near the petrol station near Chawang. :D

    I do miss a bacon and BP sarnie myself. Or if hung over then a bacon, sausage and BP toastie. :D

    This is the Phuket forum :o

  12. Do people generally search for accomodation by just driving around and asking about? Sounds like a fun way to find a house...not quite the same as the UK!
    Yes, that is the best and the cheapest way.
  13. No matter what a tv station says, the news delivered is always the same and imo only people with iq's under 70 are affected by the choice of words,
    The first part of this quote (and a quote like this: "the rolling text just tells you the headlines. They dont really have the space needed there to actually be biased even politicaly." proves you belong to the people with an IQ under 70.
  14. lol i didnt say that you should listen to opinions, just basic news imo.. read the rolling 24/7 news on the bottom
    If you believe both the selection of the news and the wording etc. is not opinionated, you'd better think twice.
  15. Yes, would be a hel_l of a lot cheaper.

    But: have the aiport shuttle drop you of at the busstop on the main road, and you will also save 2 hours travel time (and not nice travel time).

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