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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. The funny thing is, if Trump tried shaking hands with a ghost, let rip a large fart, collapsed then got lost on the stage you would say he's in his peak mental and physical fitness, and only a specialist dr could diagnose any issue. Funny how obsession and dishonesty work, isn't it?😂
  2. Putin forced NATO to abandon it's promises and treaties to expand eastward?
  3. Yes. It was the classic routine of the left. Accusing others of what you are guilty of themselves.
  4. Now now, that was all "debunked". The big guy who got 10% was Hunters drug dealer. The 20LLCs set themselves up. Enemy nations paid the Bidens "for absolutely no reason at all". With-holding a billion $$ of aid to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor investigating Burusma was just Joe's stutter. I learned so much from the forum left.
  5. But he is begging for billions of $$, isn't 3 yrs old and isn't an actor in an Austin Powers movie. Slap on a suit lil guy, it will take 2 minutes, and might just save all life on earth.
  6. He IS a fat slob in a suit. Musk is retarded, who cares what he wears, Im just relieved he doesn't rock up naked. I'm sure Trump DOES have gold crappers at MAL. Who cares? I don't see what point you are trying to make?
  7. The kid is about 3 years old. Im thinking Little Z could try a pantsuit like Hillary, Kim and Dr.Evil wore. People say it's a dictators outfit, but it does make a statement. Better than the vaycay day smoking bongs on the couch attire he insists on.
  8. Why do they write so many words just to say Wah wah wah
  9. Please tell me this is a joke? Please....
  10. Exactly like when the laptop dropped. Fake news colluding and running wild with false narratives. Quite sickening
  11. Well they shouldnt have let America control the country. A recipe for disaster and provocative in the extreme.
  12. Can you cencede his raison d'etre "Make America Great Again" is patriotic by nature, or is irrational hatred too blinding?
  13. Alot of words. Complete deflection. The poster I replied to was mocking somebody for having bone spurs/hallux rigidus. Not cool. And not cool to defend hatred.
  14. Here we go again. The tolerant left mocking a persons disability.
  15. Not sure how Z could be hungry after realizing he just signed the death warrant for countless thousands more youths. He will be a psychopath if he wanted a McD happy meal after that.
  16. I think they still falsely call the US sponsored 2014 coup as a "conspiracy theory". It devastates the hivemind's false narrative that there was no provocation and Russia invaded because Putin is a madman.
  17. He didnt even take a salary fcs. The corrupt guy was your man Biden. And the entire left tried to hide it. Corruption is ALWAYS bad, not just when your ideological opposition engages in it. I do take issue with the lefts dishonesty over this issue.
  18. Well done Trump. Imagine little Z would have walked all over Harris/Walz. Thankful sanity prevailed in the last election. Seeing the Ukraine ambassador's face in her hands when Z had his tantrum was priceless😅
  19. All the spin in the world can't hide the absolute hammering democrats are going to take in the midterms for going all in on secrecy, corruption and no accountability. The transgender opera is a microscopic part of the woke spending. There are hundreds of similar examples showing a clear pattern for anyone capable of free thinking. Nice try. No cigar.
  20. The entire left. All lefty posters, their overseers, msm, lefty intel "experts". For YEARS. Fact was banned for years as you well know. Why deny? Is it embarrassing?
  21. People that keep lying when they have been caught in a lie, lost credibility. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-releases-direct-monthly-payments-to-joe-biden-from-hunter-bidens-business-entity/ Biden was a corrupt politician. Corruption is illegal. He finally got caught. Deal with it.
  22. There are not many of you left. Why were America's enemies in foreign nations where then VP Biden held significant power paying ne'er do well Hunter 10s of millions of $$ over a milti year period? There was a VERY good reason why every single "credible source" lied and pretended the laptop was Russian disinfo. That is because the contents of it, and Ashleys diary, proved Biden was the worst possible kind of human being. If he goes to prison he will be Not On Normal Communal Excercize - wink wink Why still carry on the pretence the laptop is fake? Only a handful left now🤣
  23. Im guessing you are still a laptop denier(or were a diehard one that pretends he never was). I can smell them a mile away. Tell me about this propaganda you speak of...🤣
  24. Is election interferer and destroyer of democracy Smith banged up yet? Tick tock
  25. Deranged leftists hating on Musk will have difficilty beating this stupidity. Not saying they can't do it but.... "@Alyssa_Milano hates @elonmusk so much she got rid of her Tesla for a VW, and the irony is epic," country singer John Rich of the duo Big and Rich tweeted. Comedians and conservatives Hodgetwins responded to Milano, pointing out Volkswagen's history with Hitler and Nazi Germany. "Volkswagen was literally founded by the Nazi's and Hitler," the Hodgetwins tweeted to their 1.3 million followers." https://www.newsweek.com/alyssa-milano-ripped-trading-tesla-volkswagen-founded-nazis-1762518
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