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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. With barebones production on a budget that must be a tiny fraction of that of CNN he gets 91.5 MILLION views. I wonder how that compares to CNN or MSNBC? What are their viewing figures looking like Must be 100 or 200 million if they are mocking Tucker? For the record the democrat mainstream media average less than 500,000 views for their primetime flagship segments. No wonder the are in a flap !!!! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12090641/CNN-prime-time-drops-ratings-prime-time-spot-beaten-Newsmax-time.html Tucker has just changed the media landscape for ever, this will be very interesting coming into the election cycle where by far the loudest voice is not a democrat activist.
  2. Can we agree "debunking" of the Burisma/unqualified Hunter/VP Joe/prosecutor Shokin claims back when the left's disinformation campaign was in full swing claiming Hunter's abandoned laptop was "Russian diisnformation" is flawed? The facts in this saga are that 1)Hunter Biden was earning a huge salary from Burisma although unable to speak the language and having no experience in energy businesses. 2)Shokin the prosecutor was or had investigated Burisma for corruption, and was fired after Joe Biden withheld 1 billion dollars in aid money(which he famously bragged about doing this quid pro quo) 3)Joe Biden was VP and played a major role in Ukraine policy. I know the left play games around these facts by claiming the timelines are wrong, or just flat out forbid people from stating these unfortunate facts as if it will make it all go away. But I have yet to hear from any of the left here why these astronomical sums of money were being paid to HB and other biden family members. Amusing reading the comments over in the Thai news section where the "winner" of the election transferred dodgy share certs over to his family members and the reaction of biden-bros to this without noticing their hypocrisy. I suggest we wait and see what Comer uncovers here. The reaction of the FBI's Wray and known serial liar Raskin lead me to believe it is 100% legit and this will bring down Biden. Let's see.
  3. Are you saying she is wrong here? She is pointing out the absurdity of the left who claim economic migrants are fleeing to the USA because of "climate change". Judging by media coverage it was an effective strategy. I see no evidence Greene is "anti immigrant" as you claim without evidence. But certainly she is against illegal immigration and open borders, as are most conservatives.
  4. looks like Pita did exactly the right thing. I think anywhere in the world so long as it's only family members that benefit from illicit schemes and not the politician him/herself it's all fine. Powerfull politicians enriching family members is in fact the international GOLD STANDARD of honesty and fairness and in no way suggest corruption.
  5. save yourself the stress and hassle of involving the police and just buy back your phone. If you can get it for 2,500B that would be a result. Not an ideal outcome but IMO the best one.
  6. Good man, looking forward to your review. Stoner, they clearly state it is not inferior stuff mixed in. Please buy some, do a proper test, and settle this debate! "The Buddy Bar is created using only the choicest buds from the celebrated Killer A5 Haze strain with 25% THC. And here’s the kicker – there are no sugar leaves or seeds in sight. We’re talking pure, unadulterated, top-tier cannabis buds." https://prikpot.com/product/buddy-bar-20gr/
  7. This Buddy-bar is calling me, looks lovely. Never forget must be a decade ago I bought some brick that was nothing like the usual garbage. It was green and sticky and worked a treat. when I went back a few hours later it was all gone and back to the normal crap. Would be very happy if this Buddy bar was that sort of quality and I'm sure it will be. ANyone tried this yet?
  8. IMO the "conspiracy theory" is the left claiming biden is cognitively fine and able in spite of what we see daily from the guy. I will always trust my own eyes rather than democrat activist media and narratives. No need to make personal comments, thanks.
  9. Several falls trying to walk up steps, wiping out on his bike, looking lost and confused on stage, falling over a sandbag then bashing his head entering the helicopter(1) straight after(ignored by msm), unable to debate or speech or answer Q's without a cheat card and choreography. Seemingly always in a bad temper and being shouty. And you call it "Trump's conspiracy theory" in noticing there is a problem???? (1)https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-hits-head-exiting-marine-one-sandbagged-air-force-ceremony
  10. It's very easy to prove whether there is bias against Trump or whether he is treated the same as anyone else. Just check how many decades old nonsensical non-violent incidents without any evidence cases were resumed as a matter of urgency. Only Trump, nobody else. All this while (DA Bragg in this instance)being famous for refusing to charge violent criminals and being soft on violent crime. It's very basic proof there is blatant double standards in the biden regime's DOJ. Double standards are not good in a developed countries justice system.
  11. Even Obama's old doctor agrees biden is beyond "tired" or "aging". "A former White House doctor for presidents Donald Trump and Barack Obama has raised concerns over Joe Biden's health and said it is 'malpractice' to allow him to seek re-election. Texas congressman Ronny Jackson has claimed he is 'not fit mentally or physically' to lead the country and 'it's a bad situation for us'. The now-Republican politician slammed White House officials for allowing Biden, 80, to run for a second term and said those close to him like his wife Jill should be stopping him. " https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12156917/Former-doctor-Trump-Obama-slams-White-House-allowing-Biden-seek-election.html
  12. We all know that they are doing this. It is a weaponized agency, persecuting/bullying/harassing the man the left are terrified of running against in 2024 to stop him from being able to run, while simultaneously running cover for biden. Just surprised to see a credible insider state the facts out loud like this. A 2nd Trump term is necessary to restore justice and the public's faith in the DOJ to start acting impartially to stop all crime - not just crime by conservatives.
  13. *Deleted post edited out* I'll repost an old post of mine that tackles your above comment. "The way Republicans tell it, President Biden has been complicit in a long-running scheme to profit from his position in public life through shady dealings around the world engineered by his son, Hunter Biden." So that was the Republican narrative surrounding the business deals the laptop showed happening. And a little reminder not a single representative of the left here have specified who the "big guy" was that was involved in at least one potential deal. And not a single representative of the left here have specified WHY these Chinese and Ukrainians were paying non qualified Hunter vast sums of money. And the left's narrative was what? "Hunter Biden story is Russian disinfo" https://www.politico.com/news/2020/10/19/hunter-biden-story-russian-disinfo-430276 So, which side had/has a better grip on reality? " https://aseannow.com/topic/1283375-hunter-biden’s-tangled-tale-comes-front-and-center/
  14. That would likely be because biden and the left falsely claimed that he and his family had never taken money from overseas adversaries. Saying he or his family had received money from overseas would get you banned from internet forums. So naturally when the conspiracy theory that the biden family had never received money from overseas was shown to be just that - a conspiracy theory - the new facts were pointed out by conservatives. Conservatives that had been called morons, cultists, liars etc etc. link to these bank transactions biden and his fans were so sure never happened that they shut down facts that were not beneficial to the joe biden narrative being discussed. That is not a good thing. https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-reveals-new-evidence-in-biden-familys-influence-peddling-schemes/ Still waiting for representatives of the left to tell why these monies they denied ever being paid were paid. Care to explain for us all?
  15. And how can it be the birthing mother is not listed on the birth cert? Outrageous and not surprised it was difficult to do. Should have been impossible.
  16. ? You claimed "Nobody is exposing children's to sexually explicit material. There are laws about sexually explicit material on the books, and it's enforced. " It was a false claim, and I proved it false with a credible link. Now you say, OK but that was just one example proving your claim to be wrong. How many examples do you need before acknowledging your claim was false? 10? 50? I can give however many examples you need.
  17. I have felt the same for a long time. When you work out how the electricity is generated in many places EV's are essentially coal powered cars (not a good thing for global warming). Mainly IMO they serve as virtue signalling tools to show off to your peers. And then there are these types of stories - "Cardiff Council has confirmed it has been using diesel generators to charge some of its electric bin lorries. The local authority has been using Dennis Eagle eCollect electric waste collection vehicles since 2021 to further transition its fleet away from diesel and to aid its mission to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2030. But an anonymous source made the Local Democracy Reporting Service aware of images showing one of the council's electric waste collection vehicles being charged by a diesel generator." https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/cardiff-council-been-using-diesel-27002764
  18. "The Book This Book is Gay by Juno Dawson is available to 14-18 year old children at the Grand Haven High School Library. It contains tips on how to meet up with adults secretly and keep it from parent’s knowledge, tips on how to use sex apps, tips on how to have sex, oral, bumming, and so much more" https://restoreottawa.substack.com/p/this-book-is-gay-a-how-to-book-for If you click my provided link you will see quotes from this book. It is absolutely VILE and disgusting, way beyond merely sexually explicit.
  19. It would appear he is legit, yes. "The individual behind the information that then-Vice President Joe Biden was involved in a criminal bribery scheme with a foreign national is a "highly credible" FBI confidential human source who has been used by the bureau in multiple investigative matters dating back to the Obama administration, Fox News Digital has learned." https://www.foxnews.com/politics/person-alleging-biden-criminal-bribery-scheme-is-a-highly-credible-fbi-source-used-since-obama-admin-source Is this a thread about Parnas, Fruman and Giuliani? No.
  20. The damage is done IMO. They should never have tried hiding it to begin with. Hope Mr.Luft is safe, he will be in hiding for ever, brave guy.
  21. "Kennedy told the Free Press he was running in part to reclaim a party he said had become “a war party … the party of the neocons. It’s become the party of Wall Street and the party of censorship, which, I think [is] antithetical to liberal values”. Well said Mr.Kennedy. I do wonder what the Guardian refers to when it accuses him of being a conspiracy theorist. Did he falsely say it's a "pandemic of the unvaccinated" or "if you have the shot you will not get covid", or did he float the possibility covid started due to a lab leak rather than originating in a market outside the bat coronavirus study lab? Point is, liberal FACT 2 years ago is not the same as liberal FACT today. So who is guilty of pushing conspiracy theories?
  22. Did they forget to name this condo development in the OP? How are we supposed to be aware of the scam if the place is not named!?
  23. my point was why does Biden need a teleprompter when he says a very basic dozen words if that at a public event. Trump riffed on stage for hours, his monologues were off the top of his head packed with jokes and off the cuff comments- he probably needed some bullet points on a screen to riff around. There is just no comparison whatsoever, although yes the left DID falsely claim without evidence that Trump had dementia although now you would need to be a licenced medical practitioner to make such a statement about biden even though this is the what 3rd or 4th time he fell now?
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