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Everything posted by SunnyinBangrak

  1. How dare the Americans criticize sir Kier's surrender of British territory to military superpowers Mauritius and China. I bet the Brits wish they had a DOGE to unravel this nuts decision to surrender. There must be some reason beyond virtue signalling?
  2. To be honest I never bought into the lefts narrative that every computer can have an error. Except from their beloved vote tabulators, which are 10 gazillion % safe and can never malfunction, be programmed to deliver false results or anything else. Just the perfect machine, and anyone casting doubt is a in-thurrectionist. Clearly nonsense, although it was another hill they chose to die on and will be laughed at along with the rest of their silly false narratives.
  3. Check his social media. Did he make any factually true yet politically inconvenient posts? Lock up like all the housewives, then deport. Easy.
  4. Patently false. Harris overspent Trump by multiples in her campaign and got her derriere handed to her spectacularly. Next...
  5. I expected some angst after you contrasted a sovereign nation with a nation the US VP was in control of, but I didn't expect this!🤣
  6. Because he understands what led up to the invasion. Gentle hint to start you thinking for yourself. Why, if Ukraine was a sovereign country would the US vice President Biden be in charge of hiring/firing the countries top prosecutor(as he himself bragged about on the son of a b tape)? Not to even get into the armed forces bases and biolabs. Please try thinking for yourself this time. Msm tells a narrative, not facts. A better question would be how are so many westerners totally ignorant of the world they live in and find a way to blame their confusion on Trump?
  7. Either you've got nothing, blah blah, or actually the steele dossier was real.... The holy trinity of deflection by losers.
  8. Lawfare has consequences. I so love that after the left persecuted Musk on multiple fronts after his defection from the democrat cult, that he is now going after them. A classic hunted becoming the hunter. No surprise it is causing much tears now. Ahahahaha
  9. Hardly govt inaction. They have been chomping at the bit to brand every concerned citizen asking difficult Q's as "far right thuggery". I'd say they got into this situation of islam taking over the UK 100% by design and choice.
  10. Nothing says young people are turned off Trump like when he appeared on the jumbotron at the Eagles game. They hated him so much the cheers blew the roof off. Then it focused on woke darling Taylor Swift who was booed into oblivion and was distressed and wondering what was going on. By all means post anti Trump guff from msm, but please don't tell me you fell for it. Trump is a hero. He survived the lawfare, the lefty assassination attempts and jumped up pumping his fist shouting Fight! Fight! Fight! Absolute legend, no wonder kids love him
  11. You guys have literally been fighting against a new era of accountability and transparency. You have been raging about industrial scale corruption being exposed after calling it all a conspiracy theory. I see why you try denying it now. Its clearly embarrassing, but as we all know here, our past posts are a matter of public record, unless it was on a sensitive topic like "the Hunter Biden laptop is the new Pizzagate" where you got a free pass after the whole enforced disinformation thread was wiped out of existence - apart from my saved copy🤣
  12. Why? The new broom is sweeping away all the deep state corruption(that we were falsely ensured was a conspiracy theory). The DOD will be a major target. Wars do not benefit American citizens, let's see who was benefitting.
  13. Queue the next meltdown. Let me guess. It's Musks fault half the gold went walkies, and no we definitely should not investigate who trousered it and bought Napa vineyards or beachfront property in Hawaii🤣
  14. So the ATACMS were in Ukraine since the cold war? As usual, its nonsense😅
  15. You guys have literally been telling us that misnaming is a hate crime. And here we have AP, that due to a crippling and irrational hatred of DJT is refusing to correctly name the Gulf of America, and you support it! Do you support conservatives who are so disgusted by constant Anti-American sentiment by an ex first "lady" they call him/her Big Mike, or is that still a no no? Most confusing.
  16. If you were not personally involved in the corruption you have nothing to fear. Calm down.
  17. I love it how you go back in time to when all the fake news narratives and anti Trump psyops were in full swing. Giuliani is a hero, he has been fully vindicated after the corruption laptop was verified. He did not make up the laptop.
  18. You might want to brush up on Europe's eastward expansion against promises & treaties🤣
  19. I don't think many deep staters and corrupt officials were Trump voters to be fair. They ran from accountability and transparency like roaches from a spotlight. They were not the Make America Great Again crowd. Watching the left continue to freak out over their days of unfettered corruption screeching to a halt makes me very happy. Very happy indeed.
  20. Mick Dundee was Jewish?!😅
  21. As a cheerleader for an administration that blasted missiles deep inside Russia you are not in a position to lecture anybody on nuclear safety. Sorry bud.
  22. Who is guarding the nukes? Wasn't it that drag queen suitcase thief Sam Hinton? Best qualified for the job arf arf Burn it all down, and build back better without DEI
  23. Credit where credit is due.well done Trump and team.
  24. It should be optional. Lots here are desperately upset their tax money is no longer buying condoms and drag shows for the 3rd world. Maybe they can opt into paying into an unaudited slush fund for nefarious purpose. Meanwhile freedom living folk can stop paying. Everyones a winner!
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