polar opposite to my instore experiences and a strong reason why I shop online.
Really grinds my gears the shop assistant insisting they open my purchase and show that it works.
Few years back I purchased a TV to put in my hobby room, ofcourse the shop assistant had to remove it from the packaging and plug it in.
Powered up the first screen to appear was the setting screen to set the language, this shop assistant mong set it to Russian, I said nope I aint Russian change it to ether Thai or English.
As the TV was now in Russian he had no idea how to negotiate the set up menu to change language.
I refused to accept the TV but as it was already paid for it ended up in a heated discussion with the manager with me demanding either a refund or another TV.
A few phone calls by the manager (to I assume his senior) a second TV was brought out..... this one was left in the box.