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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Thats true, looks at Sharky !! He's got coin and looks like he rolled in wet newspaper !!
  2. Put my mother into a care home 2 years ago, cost was $750,000.00. She has advance dementia and has completely lost all memory. Her pension covers the daily/weekly expenses.
  3. I'd go for option B and throw that measly amount of food in the bin.
  4. I've never understood the attraction to them and actually find them repulsive, The tattoo and the person it is on.
  5. Yeah, Nui Beach Phuket. Many Thai's like to get their gear off.
  6. I have many family members, some chose to be vacinated some chose not. the only ones that caught covid were the vaxxed ones, those of that chose not to be vaxx'd none have had covid or symptoms. but yes, we all die one day, its gods way and when he decides it is my time to go so be it.
  7. Forcing haphazardly prepared experimental vaccines and forcing them onto your citizens...... yeah science !!!! Bwaahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  8. Where did I mention anything about qualifications ? you lot that read into something that was not written always make me chuckle.
  9. Ive never been one to rant about it. but it is something I do beleive. First I have about chips in vaccines... is that really a thing (Ive never been vaccinated).
  10. World level - Governments and big Pharma brainwashing billions into thinking Covid was/is anything more than just the flu. so so many sheeple sucked that <deleted> up hard.
  11. I can understand someone painting their plate so it is not detected by speed camera but PIB mentioned several times the rear plate is sprayed. How does painting a rear plate avoid speeding tickets ?
  12. Definitely the Aus prime minister apologizing to the Aboriginal natives.
  13. Whats the issue ?
  14. And how many days of the year did you stay at the hotel in question ?
  15. Says the person whom thinks staying 4 nights at a hotel makes them a loyal and valued customer.
  16. you think they gunna go broke because your to skint pay the increased high season price? Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, best laugh all day !!
  17. Pre-covids it was normal for hotels to have low season prices and high season prices. Post-covids why should this be any different ?
  18. I think a Casino in Thailand would cater more towards the Baccarat/Pai Gow/Sic Bo patrons rather than wife beater wearing gents that feed coins into poker and fruit machines before they retreat to their fan room on buakhao.
  19. Played in a 50,000b buy in Texas Hold Em tournament here in Pattaya a few times, always 100+ peeps on seats. Was organized by a few policeman. Went dead when covid hit though (many expat players left Thailand).
  20. Regardless of being anti christmas or not its a bit rough on the kid having to go to school on a sunday.
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