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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. No, At 15 they can only ride a 110cc scooter.
  2. I'd still sniff her farts.
  3. Hahahahahaha A Nissan Silvia is a sports car !!!!!
  4. I know this, you know this.. there is some ignorant haters on the forum that think other wise though.
  5. Due to Chevrolet Thailand shutting up shop a coupla years back spare parts are not available.... apparently !!
  6. I have 3 vehicles, all only have me as named driver.
  7. She grew some balls and kicked the drunkard husband to the kerb. Kudo's to her.
  8. What is a pukan ceremony ?
  9. They are earning between Bt.12,500 and Bt.25,000 a month......... Hard to expect to pay more than 5%. If I were on the low end of that bracket I would ask my employer to pay me Bt.12,400 a month then the tax is 0% !!
  10. The past two terms, min wage has risen by 60 baht..... not doubled. The next two terms a doubling of min wage is extreme and will have massive impacts to manufacturing and exports.
  11. correct me if iam wrong.... most countries around the world closed down due to covids. Your reasoning would suggest Prayut is responsible for that too. Idiot logic at its finest !! To answer your other question, from 2019 to current, we have laid off zero staff and infact have employed many due to the huge ramp up in demand for the product we manufacture.
  12. I prefer my ladies to have a smaller fridge to be honest.
  13. Sounds like your claimed 2 million extra unemployed is due to covid, not Prayut.
  14. Interesting, Where dies that number come from. Do you have a link I can read ?
  15. There has been 3 min wage increases in the past 8 years.... Not including the one just announced.
  16. I work for a successful business here in Thailand, in general the Thai staff are very lazy..... unlike the import labour that comes in from in from neighboring countries.
  17. I suggest we <deleted> off all that can be replaced by a machine.
  18. 30% of our workforce would be import labour hired through a labour hire company. Rarely does one person stay for more than a week resulting in a revolving door training process. Replace with robots is the way forward.
  19. But many hours of fun to be had at the OTOP shop !!
  20. I do 700km trips fairly often. I can do a full benzine fill in less time it takes me to do a <deleted> and buy a coffee.... will a battery charge be the same or do I have to wait hours ?
  21. no issue. I actually removed the plastic under covers off my daily.
  22. They can be temperamental though. But yeah, they dont get sick... they don't catch covid.... they dont fall pregnant....they dont fall off their scooter on the way to work.... they are not members of a Union that has unrealistic workplace and employment requests forcing the company into labour court every year negotiating EBA's. Etc Etc Etc.
  23. We recently employed a 2nd Automation Engineer and have placed orders for an addition 10 robots to add to our current fleet of 30.... Robots are much more reliable than people... and they produce consistent results !! doubling min wage will have us buying more robots and employing skilled (not min wage workers) to run them.
  24. Doubling the min wage would force all manufacturing businesses to dramatically increase their costs in turn making Thailand an unattractive place to manufacture. Are the robber barons really that stupid ? Don't bite the hand that feeds you comes to mind !!
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