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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Por Ror Bor is the CTPL.
  2. Iam surprised the domestic Rangers do not get the V6 twin turbo diesel export markets get.
  3. Think he meant Airblade !!
  4. Petrol v6 is not replacing the 3.2. Thailand Raptor was never offered with 3.2, old model 2.0 twin turbo/bi-turbo. Diesel V6 is replacing 3.2 and is fitted to Rangers and Everests, not for domestic market though. The 2.0 Twin turbo/Bi-turbo has been fitted to Rangers/Everests/Raptors for several years now and is not new.
  5. How do you know lazada leaked you info ?
  6. Given the choice I'd prefer the smaller capacity V6.... thats has more grunt. Friend had a 3.2 Everest, two replacement engines under warranty.... kept melting #5 piston.
  7. She'd have to be peddling damn hard to inflict that kinda damage to a parked vehicle !!!
  8. Got my first bike when I was 7, it was a yamaha yz80. Used to ride it on main roads into town to buy mum and dad smokes and beer !!
  9. Australia is a multi-cultural country.... Very few with soapdodger heritage.
  10. All iam saying is if you do steal you may well get a touch up from some locals.
  11. Touche !!
  12. You know the woman was drunk and possibly high on Yaba and wrongly accused the scum thieving farnag.... How do you know this ?
  13. Indeed, with the caption reading "Do not steal otherwise you will tuned up by some locals".
  14. hahahaha. good effort by the thieving farang !!
  15. You whinged to the police and now wonder why you are experiencing <deleted> service... Bwahahahahahhaa
  16. That would be why you are experiencing the other issues !!
  17. did you complain ?
  18. Indeed they are, never in my life did I think I would be reading a sign in a 7/11 saying the sale of marijuana was prohibited to under aged and pregnant women !!
  19. You walk around the entire vehicle to check its condition before you get in ?
  20. I had a scoot run into the back of my stationary pickup (Traffic congestion)... Damage to the rear was fairly decent and the cab rear window smashed when the scoot rider came through. Scoot was demolished and rider suffered many broken bones.
  21. Think they start pre-school at 3yrs of age so using ChrisY1 theory.... they can legally ride at 3 !!
  22. You should recommend them then.
  23. Bolt compares pretty good with Bolt.
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