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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. The electrician is being held to task over he work done on the illegal part of the building............ after it was approved. Tel me why the inspectors should be in the <deleted>.... for nothing they were involved with ?
  2. I agree 100%. But is there a process for post inspection? I suspect not so once again.... why should the inspectors be held accountable ?
  3. I suspect those that suggest it have some deep desire to engage in such practices.
  4. The place was illegally adapted to a nightclub..... after the officials inspected and approved it as a restaurant. How are they at fault ?
  5. Has it been shown/proven the soapdodger was drunk ? Hate think think you are beating your chest from your high horse without facts.
  6. Does the Thai have the book thrown at them.... or is that only for foreigners..... hardly the exact same penalty as a Thai.
  7. People don't get <deleted> up, drive a vehicle in your little corner of utopia ?
  8. Tjhey do, every other year dig up the roads and put in bigger drainage pipes.
  9. I run Nitto Terra Grapplers. Decent on the highway and tolerate some muddy trails.
  10. Break out your calculator and tell me what interest iam paying.... it aint 20%
  11. 480k floor price 120k deposit. 8350 x 48. 520k all in.
  12. I have a big bike on the never never. 25% down over 48 months. No Thai guarantor.
  13. This is exactly how how both my Thai credit cards work (K bank and BKK bank). Credit limit is 5 times the monthly salary earned at time of application.
  14. Need to upgrade the rear suspension to carry the burger and donut eating cousins.
  15. <deleted> up and riding a scoot... always gunna end in tears for someone.
  16. Has he been charged ? If no show convicted for fail to attend ?
  17. I work with several local mechanical engineers. All speak perfect English. All struggle to understand English.
  18. I buy Cardiprin 100. Cheap and easily found.
  19. Pet peeve for me too, I designed and 3D printed some tube squeezers !!
  20. Justice For All, Great album and an even better single.
  21. Ahh righto. Hard to tell as the OP keeps changing the story with every post he makes.
  22. Did he keep sniffing his finger or ask to sniff your's ?
  23. V6 diesel in Raptor or Ranger ?. sorry your question is not clear.
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