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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. The fact many places are operated illegally must provide great wiggle room for the insurance companies.
  2. Had to google that. Ive learnt a new word, cheers mate.
  3. Why are you only concerned with this one girls welfare, you ignoring the rest that were also badly injured speaks volumes as to they type of person you are.
  4. Its a very simple concept. closing time is 12am. Fire started at 1am. Am sure you can figure it out.
  5. To be fair, if the place closed at midnight (as legally required to do so).... This thread would not exist !!
  6. You will need to pay 12 months road tax and will have to pay the previous 4yrs as well including a small fine. For insurance, jump onto Roojai.com, insure the vehicle and select to pay by the month.
  7. You keep harping on about refusal to treat. Which hospital other than the 10 public ones that could not treat due to (I assume) lack of equipment refused to treat this girl ?
  8. Could have gone direct to Bangkok Hospital Rayong, 15km closer. not sure why your butthurt on my insurance status, I now many who seek treatment at Bangkok hospital Pattaya and pay out of pocket because they prefer to self insure.
  9. My bad for calling a spade a spade but if time was of the essence why go to a private hospital further away.... not to mention visiting 10 public hospitals before getting there.
  10. Should come with private health insurance then.
  11. Cheap rent. Cheap booze. Cheap girls. Cheap petrol/diesel. Cheap traffic fines. Cheap etc. Cheap etc. Cheap etc.
  12. Hows real estate there these days.... I heard a million dollars will only purchase a shoebox !!
  13. Must have been an excruciating 40km ride for the girl to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya...... Bangkok Hospital Rayong was 15km closer........ How urgent was the help she needed ?
  14. Hold on, your previous post said public hospitals do not have the facilities to treat a person with significant burns... are you now saying some do ? You need to change user name to Mac Flipflopmanus !!.
  15. The lady is now at Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital in Sriracha, A public hospital.
  16. Every hole is a goal, just need to make sure Lola leaves before morning.... Watching another man take a sht and shave his face is not high on my bucket list.
  17. People without insurance go to government hospitals.... Or show proof of funds to private ones !!
  18. Its possible (although I don't believe it) the 10 hospitals (are there really that many government hospitals in Chonburi ?) simply do not have a burns unit that could treat a patient with such significant burns.
  19. If the 12am closing times were adhered to these people would still be alive !
  20. Yeah many delusional people have posted in this thread. Anywho good to read Queen Savang Vadhana Memorial Hospital has stepped up to the plate and have taken over her recovery.
  21. Am guessing they were kinda busy, never refused to treat her though.
  22. That the newsworthy part ?
  23. Typical transman, runs his mouth but wont provide a link.
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