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Everything posted by Ralf001

  1. Cost depends on how much technology is glued to the screen. But a google of Everest windscreen show they are $760 in Australia so about Bt19,000... Your qoute is within reason I reckon. Does your insurance company not provide one free screen per year ?
  2. How do they figure murder charge ?... Get ya self a belly full of beer jump in the car and go kill an innocent..... That charge is reckless driving causing death.
  3. First two words of first sentence underlined.... thats the link.
  4. if you manage to find a link that would be great, as a foreigner worker here I did not need pink card to get social security. Am keen to understand why migrant workers do. I wonder if it is something to do with coming into the country undocumented or something ?
  5. Got a link I can read ?
  6. Our shop floor staff are paid double min wage,. Get up to 5 months bonus every year (2 months fixed/3 months based on performance) Free food cooked at onsite canteen. 80b per day fuel allowance. 100b per day shift allowance (for night shift which rotates every two weeks). etc etc etc. They quit at the drop of a hat. Ohh yeah, the standard work week is 5 days at 7.5hrs (9 hr day but 1 hour lunch and 2 15 mins breaks)... We also work Saturdays and they are paid as over time if they choose to work.
  7. Migrant workers get social security because they are working, not because they have a non Thai citizen ID card.
  8. We have atleast 2 a week do a no show citing they have found a better job/could not be <deleted> working.
  9. We have to use labour hire from Camodia and Loas as no locals want to work.
  10. Yeah, nah. https://www.realthairecipes.com/recipes/american-fried-rice/
  11. 48/8 = 6 day week. My work has an EBA with Labour office, we work 9 x 5.
  12. Labour laws stipulate 48hr week max 8hr a day, above 8hr is paid overtime.
  13. How did you clean out your blow up doll ?
  14. I use the garden hose.
  15. I know that car well, its an animal. Mine is fairly mild in comparison, I kept the RB26 when the R34 AWD conversion was done does ok though, making 650hp at the wheels.
  16. Back home I have an AWD Supra, it is terrible in the wet !!
  17. Very generous of the OP to pay what the labour laws stipulates. Wonder if they are paid triple time if they work overtime on public holiday.... like the law stipulates !!
  18. Think of it in the same vein as going to your doctor, he draws blood and then runs tests to see what your body is doing. same for an oil analysis, the results will tell what is happening inside your engine. excessive diesel in the oil..... your injectors are leaking. excessive metal in the oil ..... your bearings are getting hammered. etc etc etc. Its not rocket science and trust me, you <deleted> an engine and try and claim on warranty.....the first thing the dealership will do is have the oil tested looking for reasons to void a claim. oil analysis benefits.
  19. If you do not understand what an oil analysis can tell you about your then Iam not going to explain.
  20. Why are you trying to wind me up ? Act a grown man <deleted>.
  21. Focuslab.
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