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Joe Farang

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Everything posted by Joe Farang

  1. "I consider this more of an expat entertainment item because it's so totally insane rather than a news/politics thing per se. But just for "fun" imagine if this actually happened (any nationality) to expats." Trump was elected President. Anything is possible in the USA
  2. From what I am reading it looks like it took 6.5 days for your package to go from Indianapolis in the US to Chaing Mai. That is not excessive unless you paid for some Express package that promised less. If so claim a refund for the Express charge from Fedex USA. If they will not compensate you, don't use them again.
  3. Should this topic not be moved to the Ladies section ?
  4. Your contract for delivery and any promised timelines was with Fedex in the USA. Why are you not directing your ire in their direction and seeking compensation from them re breach of contract.
  5. What you should try to understand is that the person you called is very unlikely to be in the Wharehouse where your package was. She would have been looking at the same Tracking info on her P.C that you were looking at on your phone. Complaining because it took 1.5 days to deliver is Pathetic in the extreme.
  6. Yeah, England were terrible. If the US had a bit of firepower up front they would have thrashed England. The US were the better team in all parts of the game. As you said correctly, it was an uneven match (except for final score)
  7. Get a life you miserable git
  8. Watered down by the English, who originated from West Germanic tribes, one of which was the Angles as well as Saxons, Jutes and Frisians. Oh and the Scots originated in Ireland. They moved to Scotland to avoid a famine, where they killed or displaced the Picts
  9. Aaaaahhh Uncle Albert. The Legend.
  10. Just watching leaky BEIN and Ronaldo getting ready to take a Peno (he scored) Will FIFA cut BEIN off as well?
  11. Why did these players take such an interest in my country and not England. My country is very poor at soccer, they rarely qualify.
  12. Yes, I absolutely love to see it. England getting their hopes up again, then as soon as one of them say "It's coming home" they get squashed like a bug and out they go.
  13. Birmingham 2023. It might be an option for Maguire.
  14. What's the bad new ? We cut off your left leg ! What's the good news? The guy in the bed next to you lost his right leg. He wants to buy your left slipper.
  15. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was being chased by the police "President of the Betong Chicken producers and farms association Pol Sub-Lt Udom Laksana said it was a great honor"
  16. In what Farang country in the World is it acceptable to do a runner on a bar bill, where a person from that country might not know the ropes in Thailand on such behaviour and the probable outcome.
  17. Another pathetic instance of the Thai media linking every violent psychosis issue to cannabis.
  18. Is there a statue of limitations on theft? Or is only for murderers?
  19. As an Irishman I made up this joke myself a few years ago after a vote in a UK referendum. An Irishman, a Frenchman and a Scotsman walk into a bar. Barman says: What are ye having Irishman says: A pint of Guinness please Frenchman say: I'll have a glass of wine. Scotsman says: Can you hang on a few minutes, I'll go find an Englishman and ask him.
  20. It has been reported by other Thai media that the Chinese man who is operating this casino business is known only as Mr. Ming. Is this him ?
  21. Tonka is/was a famous Toy manufacturer. Mostly toy trucks and cars amongst other toys. It printed the name TONKA on all it's products. Whoever gave the word to the lady was malicious. Apparently it was explained to the lady at a later date, but she didn't care. She liked the shape and style of the lettering and had no interest in the meaning. A worse instance of tattooing was the case of the Thai man on Soi 8 (hung out near Cherry bar) who allowed people (Tourist Scum) to tattoo their names on his face for 100/200 baht. His face was destroyed with names.
  22. It's very good value. I had it for about 2 years. The 1st 22 months it worked very well for me, then became a bit iffy on the last 2 months. This caused me to then move to Hot Spot, which is also ok and does the job, but of the two I prefer Surf Shark
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