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Everything posted by grain

  1. This is not for Thailand but I own a one bedroom flat in Perth, Australia. I'm not sure of the size offhand but it's fairly standard sized. A lounge with small kitchen/dining area, then a door though to a bedroom and bathroom. Plus an outside balcony. The flat is on the 5th, the top floor. Anyway, I'll be heading back there in Oct and doing some renovations, plus I want to have an AC installed. I don't know much about such things so I'm hoping to get some tips/info, so when I arrive back I'll have a clearer idea of what I'll be looking for. So recommendations please for AC brands & sizes. Electricity costs are very high in Australia, and seem to be ever increasing, so that's a big factor, I'll be looking for an AC that's as economical as possible to run. Where should it be installed? Bedroom Vs Lounge. Also it gets damn cold in winter and I'll be needing to install some form of heating too. So would a Reverse Cycle Air Conditioner be a good choice for me? Any information/advice will be very much appreciated.
  2. I get the large cans at Lotus's. Where we live there's a mini Lotus's nearby and I get them there. I'm pretty certain I've got them out of the 7-11s. Lots of people dump on Bud and say it's p!ss, but I find it a very pleasant clean tasting lager. I should add one of the criteria I use for judging beers is how they go for hangovers, if you happen to have 1 or 2 too many. I usually drink in moderation but if I do give Heineken or Bud or San Mig Light a bit of a wallop then next day hangovers are pretty mild. But Leo/Chang/Sing hangovers are diabolical, for me anyway. ????
  3. Well, I guess every man has his price. Yes, for 50,000 Bt a month, you can pinch my nose and pour a bottle of Leo down my throat. Guess it'll be like being waterboarded but I'll do it. ????
  4. Because it's horrible. You'd have to pinch my nose and force feed me to get that vile muck down my neck. I buy Heineken, Budweiser, San Miguel Light. In my honest opinion they are the best lagers that are readily available in Thailand without getting into the very expensive imported brews. I'll drink Chang in a pinch but have found a few too many gives a rough hangover, likewise Singha, actually a good tasting beer, but rough the next day. Beer Lao is good.
  5. Cold/Flu symptoms for a few days but test neg with ATK tests. Sounds like a regular cold/flu strain is getting around. Not every cough/fever/runny nose is covid-19.
  6. Dunno about UK but I once took some gourmet coffee with me from Thailand to Perth, and the customs took it off me at Perth airport. I could have just paid a few dollars more and bought it in an Asian supermarket in Perth.
  7. I renewed my PP a few weeks ago. In order to have the stamps transferred from old PP to new PP at Korat Imm, I had to provide photocopies of every page of my old PP, which was one of the extra pages PPs and came to 22 A4 pages. Now, next Monday, I'll be renewing my annual retirement ext at Korat, and along with all the usual forms & bank letters and statements, I also need to provide photocopies of every page of my old PP, and give them another set of 22 A4 pages, that they already have somewhere in their office. What on earth do they do with all these millions of photocopies?
  8. Ganja Hub of Thailand. Really? It was only a couple months ago they were babbling on about luring quality tourists.
  9. None of those things anger me in the least.
  10. I went to Sri Racha Imm once, about 5 years ago when I was living at Bang Saen. Was a horrible experience, all I wanted was a residency certificate, I left there (without the certificate) in a state of shock. Horrible nasty official, shouting and threatening me (not same lady OP mentions, this was a male). Would never go anywhere near that office again. (And before anybody starts tearing into me accusing me of being an unwashed scruffy farang with a bad attitude, that is not the case. I always dress smartly for any dealings with gov/officials, and I've lived in Thailand many years and know how to conduct myself with officials)
  11. Exactly why I have some concern about travel with just the printed pdf.
  12. Marijuana relaxes the stomach muscles and has been used to relieve pain with stomach cancer patients. Also (according to Peter Tosh) it's beneficial for glaucoma.
  13. So how and where do I get this Yellow Vaccine Book? I'm in Korat, can I get it without making a trip to BKK?
  14. That's exactly the case. When Thais go to see a doctor they expect the doctor to give them a big bag of medicine to make them better, if the doctor doesn't give them any medicine, or only gives them just one type of medicine, then he's a bad doctor, and the word will spread fast. Thais will then avoid going to that doctor.
  15. A total of 4 AA flights cancelled in May 2020. For wife & I. Perth-KL-BKK. Would be jolly nice to be refunded for these cancelled flights but I'm not holding my breath.
  16. The most dangerous animals for humans are dogs. No other animals: lions, tigers, bulls, bears, wild boar, monkeys, sharks, crocodiles, snakes, venomous spiders even come close to the reported figures for dog attacks. In the USA there are 2,400 dog attacks every day, 100 each hour or one every 36 seconds. In the USA approximately 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs every year. Of these, nearly 885,000 seek medical care; 30,000 have reconstructive procedures; approximately 18% develop infections and between 10 and 20 fatalities occur. Other high-income countries such as Australia, Canada and France have comparable incidence and fatality rates. More than 50 percent of all dog bite victims are children. The risk of injury to the head and neck is greater in children than in adults, adding to increased severity, necessity for medical treatment and death rates. Dogs account for 76–94% of animal bite injuries and over 50% of animal-related injuries in people who are travelling. An estimated 59,000 people die annually from rabies, and bites from rabid dogs account for the vast majority of these deaths. There are no global estimates of dog bite incidence, however studies suggest that dog bites account for tens of millions of injuries annually.
  17. AC every night, unless it's the very cold time of year, fan set to low, AC at 26, I like a cold dark bedroom, and sleep with quilts. I just get a better sleep curled up under a quilt.
  18. Covid-19 (I presume it was Omicrom) went through our village like a dose of salts in May, following Songkran visits from family members working in Bangkok. The locals are not a particularly healthy bunch, they eat lots of cheap rubbishy food (fatty meat, offal, pla ra, high cholesterol foods) all the males drink excessively - the cheapest alcohol (lao khao mostly) and they were all vaccinated with Sinovac. A few have had the Pfizer booster, the majority just 2 X sino. So we have a group of unhealthy people, many in old age, vaccinated with the (supposedly) weakest, less effective vaccine, yet nobody died, nobody needed to call an ambulance and be taken to hospital. They all tested negative a week later and recovered, some had lingering symptoms (runny nose, scratchy throat) for 3-4-5 weeks after testing neg, but that was long ago, everyone is now back to full recovery. No long covid whatsoever.
  19. well according to this I've probably got a couple of days left
  20. That's what I immediately thought, he's damn lucky he's not arrested and deported. As for "grow coconuts on their 13 rai of land in the Koh Lak Sub-district"
  21. Correct, same here. Had my 2XAZ at MedPark, they gave me a certificate which is stamped by the hospital and signed. When I got my 3rd jab, the Pfizer booster, no certificate was given, I asked and they said just download from the mor phrom app. All 3 jabs are listed on the international certificate from the mor phrom app, with dates and details of vaccines used. BUT this certificate from mor phrom isn't stamped or signed. Yes, it does have the QR code, but I'm a bit concerned about showing it for international travel, the certificate would be dead easy to copy and fake or change details. If officials in another country read the QR code then they can check it's authenticity, but just looking at it....unstamped and unsigned....this concerns me a bit. I'd hate to have it knocked back and have to go into quarantine for a week or so.
  22. Absolutely absurd. The vet could have been infected by any of the people coming in, could have been infected by any of her family members, from talking with neighbors, from the cashier at the 7-11 or Lotus's, from the boy at the gas station.
  23. The general rule of thumb with dentists in Thailand is get a male dentist (the bigger the better) for extractions and a female dentist for cleaning & fillings.
  24. If the wife isn't Thai then get her home pronto.
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