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Posts posted by WhiteBuffaloATM

  1. so fearful ferguson unaware of the AZ vax possibility then….and his modelling was shown to be wrong…….

    without vax lets say deaths might have doubled, if so he would still have massive exaggerated the death toll by 250k …..we will never know because of the ” death with covid” rubbish stats. instead of true “ death by covid” figures ( too difficult ?).

  2. “40 people”…. seriously…and “impartial” study by him I suppose….. has the USA FDA or EU MA certified these results ? no,thought not….. this narcissistic rebel has been so massively discredited by numerous expert sources that he clearly has no reputation left…..except as a crank…..hence his justified sacking I suppose……perhaps he could link up,with Graham Hancock and David Icke in his obvious new expertise of pseudo- science……appears to pay well too……

    • Like 1
  3. Betamax video cassettes “worked” but the customers wanted VHS. Same with the Bleach thing.

    You mentioned Tesla. Teslas gear was streets ahead of thevwinning Edison & Westinghouse stuff but business & politics & emotion again won out over best pure science……one (emotional) reason most people including me would never take the bleach is that its original purpose was quite different, same with Ivermectin…..customers want customized solutions, especially when death is involved…….

    • Like 1
  4. Nobody had had any prior experience treating this Covid and subsequent variants. it is very different.

    so one person alone says use “bleach” , with no other support, and the world should accept that ?

    er, no. 99.9999 to infinity of other scientists agreed vax was the answer, cant all be “money”,their reputations are at stake if wrong and the bleach thing right……AZ done as non-profit btw…..

  5. classic Straw Man deflection…..raise a different subject thought easier to defend or attack ……couldnt care less what a specialized disease scientist says about disbelieving evolution; its not his area and is an established scientific FACT. just like I wouldnt ask a mechanic about insurance…….logical people can still say stupid & crazy things………broken clock right twice a day….. blind squirrel finding acorn, etc…

    SO forget the Messenger, look ONLY at the Message and ask for Scientific Proof…….

  6. has any real scientist actually “claimed” that, and if so what is the scientific study proof ?

    what about that nutty professor lockdown ( ferguson) fear merchant , forecasting half million uk covid deaths ? out by a factor of five wasnt he ? epidemiologist but hopeless with stats & disease modelling…….. used wrong model in fact ……and is that claimant anti- vax ? no, thought not….back in the anti- vax loon box……

  7. all proponents of pseudo-scientific “beliefs” ( religion, flat earth, conspiricies, anti- vax, moon landing deniers, etc) are either low IQ “followers”, narcissistic “rebels”, attention seekers, anti- establishment, certifiable loons or charlatans making a good living from it. they are without exception fools or paid clowns impervious to reason, logic & science …..and never worth engaging with or talking about…..

    • Haha 1
  8. all proponents of pseudo-scientific “beliefs” ( religion, flat earth, conspiricies, anti- vax, moon landing deniers, etc) are either low IQ “followers”, narcissistic “rebels”, attention seekers, anti- establishment, certifiable loons or charlatans making a good living from it. they are without exception fools or paid clowns impervious to reason, logic & science …..and never worth engaging with or talking about…..

    • Like 1
  9. some retirees living a Dickens Macawber existence are they ? in constant financial anxiety…..

    its pitiful really, when living costs here are so low, that currency exchange rates, which we cannot control,affect day to day budgets…


    macawber said ” income & expenditure 20 shillings = happy; income 20 shillings, spend 20 shillings & sixpence = miserable”…..


    perhaps cutting the booze / fags/ drugs would be of actual practical help or eating fresh veg & fish not burgers or imported tinned foods ………

    • Like 1
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  10. People believe all sorts of unscientific nonsense. religion =prime example.

    humans are instinctive & emotional herd animals and require a large effort of will to offset fear & emotion with reason & logic.


    ALL scientific evidence demonstrates conclusively that it is thousands of times safer to vax than not. Any scientists or doctors saying different ? thought not… 

    • Like 2
  11. dont do it. straight up illegal for foreigners to put only their residence into a thai company ,which thai “nominee” directors will have legal majority owner control. You would a minority company shareholder with little or no power. just funding the set up. Not a “ business” unless permanently rented out or used as business premises. So you will not “own” the company/ freehold / property / land which the thai directors can take from you for any reason at any time plus 500k “tax & costs” to close the thai company plus 40-50k for annual accounts & taxes. If leaving the chanote property title deeds with thai directors they can get bank loans secured against “your” property without your consent or knowledge.


    In short, a very bad expensive move, foreigner freehold condo or leasehold house is under your full legal ownership & salelable & transferable. you can never own the land, only the land lease, but the house itself can be owned separately as foreigner freehold.



  12. Never Rented Here. House Lease Owner. Do Consider Purchase. 

    Five Years Rent at 30k monthly is 1.8 million baht.Ten Years =3.6 mill.

    Seen Nice Family Houses Selling for 3-4 mill.baht

    Or Foreigner Freehold Condo. Salable & Transferable Asset. No Lost Rent. 

    So Many Rental Horror Stories here, mainly Lost Deposits and False Damage Claims……

    however, some rental suggestions……. if you must :-


    Select & Tour Areas to Find Individual Properties.

    Make Direct Contact with Owners.

    Developer Purchase or Rentals offer Best Maintenance / Common Area…..

    Avoid All Agents (where possible)

    Buyers Market.

    Rent Unfurnished (Long Term).

    Strictly Zero Deposit or Walk.

    Pay Half the Asking Rent Fixed for Lease Period.

    Pay Separate Utilities in your Name at Billed Cost.

    Establish Common Area / Facilities Responsibilities

    Use Lawyer for Rent Agreement.

    Purchase & Install your Own Movable Furniture & Equipment 

    Repair All Your Own Damage Yourself. Difficult to Cause Damage if Unfurnished.

    All Other Damage Strictly By Owner at Owner Cost

    Or if Owner uncooperative, arrange repairs yourself & deduct from rent.

    Live There for One Month Trial before Signing Lease.


    • Like 2
  13. Fanboy of FACTS, Logic & Reason. Near zero interest in thai politics. No expectations here…..

    ALL Vax is useful, to a degree, yes we know Sinovac is nowhere near as effective as AZ etc. with Delta but it is not “useless” or “ cr*p” and nor is the thai govt. which incredibly is being judged by advanced democracy ( thailand is neither) governance standards by “expats” expecting western “ perfection” here ! just be grateful for what the thai govt. & culture & people do provide to their foreign guests… or clear off…..

    • Haha 2
  14. first check definition of “selfish”, i.e. lack of consideration for others, focused substantially on oneself. “why” ? human default evolutionary survival instinct. requires “unselfish” co-operation override, a weaker human trait…….oddly without co-operation ( polar opposite of selfish) human society could not exist…..so paradox is by being cooperative for survival is actually a lesser form of selfish………

  15. Exactly Eric, yet we have members here getting away with complete lies & nonsense, which should be reported & deleted as false information, as forum rules, like saying certain vaccines are “cr*p” or “vitamin C” or “sub- standard” or citing “maids” (lowest-level gossip ! ) as “the word”, i.e. reliable sources of truth. THEN these fools are getting high numbers of “likes” for such moronic rubbish from other misguided idiots…….

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  16. then “never mind”  the raw effluent running straight into the sea at every beach end, typically 100 metres from coral reefs…….plus the plastic & metal garbage strewn everywhere in beach zones…….

    sunscreen regs are for advanced almost totally eco- clean countries like Switz. or Norway….here its just the new normal virtue-signalling gesture politics…….with 20 million + here living in poverty on 2k baht monthly there are 1000 matters of far higher importance & urgency…….but hey ho, mai pen rai.

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