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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. I live in Brixton. But anyway I reject the buzz word 'cultural diversity'.
  2. Yes I assume you can not but in this thread, above, someone suggested getting an IDP. It's not possible
  3. The USA guarantees our insecurity by its war mongering and destabilisation of nations throughout the world. The USA is a force for evil in many ways- The war on drugs for example. A bullying behemoth that bestrides the world. Ask the people of Afghanistan about American protection. Only certain Americans have this naive view of a world grateful to America as a shining beacon of whatever.
  4. Not a horse but a Nag.
  5. But do you regret all the time wasted in Chiang Mai?
  6. The passing rag and bone man. Just leave them outside your front door or near a bin.
  7. How do you get an IDP once you have left your country?
  8. Boarding cards for air miles and evidence at PPC.
  9. Ridley Road is not Ridley. They are two distinct and separate productions.
  10. Yes it was excellent and series two promises to be good also.
  11. I just found the whole thing a bit too structured and at times overwhelmed by police especially in the late 70s early 80s which is when I stopped going. As for festivals Thailand and Spain are probably the best countries in the world for festivals. Especially Thailand. Back to NHG - looking at footage from last weekend the incredible overcrowding at times looked very dangerous and frightening in a claustrophobic kind of way and I don't really trust the police. But it's important that WE own OUR streets not just corporations, businesses and certainly not the police. The history of violence at the NHGC was originally caused by racist police using the drug laws to intimidate and bully the black community. If they had their own way they would ban it or move it. Thats what the bill wanted then and thats what they want know.
  12. BTW I was not trying to preach about the condom thing. Just that we all need reminding and it's not just aid. I was treated at BPH. I was in serious agony in my bolleaux so first was broad spectrum AB till lab results then changed AB. But even after it cleared according to lab I requested a further 2 weeks of AB to the limit.
  13. So not AXA. I give up. Pompey?
  14. Well it's still happens. And all the expats too travel over every weekend. And actually Saudi women would come across to enjoy their freedoms. Bahrain is a great country. You can live a good live there. The Seashell was a fantastic bordello - really wild and Diggers bar was a great bar with 50 or more Thai girls. Itnreally rocked. No music after 1982. No rap no hip hop. The Ethiopian Jungle Bars were exotic too. In many ways it was better than Thailand. Bars and clubs stayed open late. In Bangkok places closed earlier than Bahrain. I have very fond memories of Bahrain...Oh and the Tylos Hotel- 50 girls! Giving room service.
  15. And many of the women are not very attractive but perhaps that's part of the message
  16. Does it sound like a hatchet?
  17. I always ask for baby aspirin to get low dose 81mg aspirin . Only had confusion once
  18. Bad news that unprotected sex can lead to such a complex, demoralising ailment. Prostratis comes and goes. I think I got mine from a massage. It went eventually and I remember the the length of Anti biotic course too a long time after I recovered I now have to take medication daily. For anybody reading this tale of woe- ALWAYS use a condom...
  19. I lived on edge throughout the whole time. It was dreadful thinking of those little kids so lost so frightened. Thank goodness it turned out well.
  20. Yes - they usually get treated with the equality they claim to want but don't really want but ozzie chick's are exceptional confused - I feel so sorry for aussie men ......and for the women.
  21. Australian women really seem to have lost out in the wars of the last 50 years- they seem to aspire to be assertive but manly- feminist but masculine and any notion of femininity or graciousness is seen as weakness. They are a sorry bunch
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