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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. "According to many on this forum, Thailand is chock full of guys on the run. And in the news, there seem tobe call centre scams operating out of every condo. Human trafficking is a multi billion THB business. Drugs pour in and out of the country with just the occasional bust. Counterfeit goods are everywhere, alongside Ferraris and Rollers." This is of course is a gross exaggeration as indicated by the first 7 words of the paragraph.
  2. Its the the kind of treatment that thai and Philippina girls get in UK and Europe but usually the prejudice prevents them getting any kind of visa. This sounds like she's beeb here on a few dodgy visa and I think more people who did the covid extensions will get gip in future...and we all now the Ed visa is heavily abused. I wish her well. Pity we don't know the name of the Thai school not cooperating with the immigration department
  3. You have never been to Pakistan-I have. Why didn't the water spill over the borders into India or Afghanistan- Did the Himalayas get covered too? Fortunately the people of Pakistan have the fortitude to deal with such disasters as they KNOW it is the will of Allah.
  4. "And last but not least: Is the price too good to be true?" Precisely- My friend was 'scammed' by a Nigerian Prince on a gold bullion deal...
  5. I have not used the left luggage service at Suvarnabhumi but have heard its very good service
  6. Adrian 'I didnt float up the Liffey in a bubble' Dunbar'
  7. A third of the country underwater? Lol but the flooding miraculously stopped at the India and Afghanistan borders?
  8. Ridley has only one or two episodes out so far and I'm not rushing to watch it but I will when the series is complete but it is noticeable it has received some stinking reviews. I will also delay watching The Capture which I expect to be as good as Series one. So I am filling my time with Resident Alien which gets excellent reviews and indeed has some good ideas in it but suffers a bit from unlikely casting and all the ills associated with it.
  9. It's heresy not to like GOT and I am a heretic.
  10. Even if it is a world disaster its not the fault of individuals- its the greed of corporations in league with government. But the current view is being used to suppress freedom of individuals but allow them elite to live normally
  11. Being popular in Pakistan is hardly an arbiter of moral or scientific correctness. Or China or Australia and definitely not Amerikia.
  12. I've seen drunk foreigners a hundred times. Not enough get battered. If sensitive folk don't want to be upset don't look at 4 am fights
  13. The OP seems to have arrived with a sense of white male American superiority-perhaps he should go to VIETNAM or pick a fight on Walking Street.
  14. I wear a mask in all crowded indoor locations - up to me.
  15. None. Why would you ask that? I think a stupid man, probably a thief, learned a lesson. Next time pay up and don't think you can bully a Thai girl just because she's smaller than you!
  16. When these guys batter a drunk lout I consider them to be defending me and my interests. He is lucky he just stole from her and did not hit her.
  17. TG2 - Who does like it? Which demographic?
  18. You live in a fantasy world of Cowboy movies. Men defend their women- that's what these guys did and in the process looked after each other. Well done lads.
  19. Thou shalt not steal! It warms the cockles of my heart to see a bully and thief get the bash! Well done boys!
  20. Ta...I'm not sure I've heard of it. Ah it's by Paul Abbot who wrote shameless, cracker etc. So it should be good. 'No Offense' one of his most recent productions was excellent
  21. But expats aren't eligible for any Thai benefits- free language lessons for example.
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