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The Hammer2021

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Everything posted by The Hammer2021

  1. It's often just a small area with out a notable protuberance or nubbin. But for a clitoris to be noticeable it has to be erect which happens when a woman is excited. Often a woman does have a clitoris or clitoral area or 'pad' but when she's bored or unexciting it will not be swollen. It only swells or becomes erect when erotically stimulated
  2. Currently some of the best beer in Thailand is called Old Speckled Hen. A British real ale from the midlands
  3. As well as Red Barrel being phased out maybe the company changed its name to Wilsons. Part of the Job of CAMRA was to educated people palates. It took 48 years now even young people know real ale is a living organic drink not carbon dioxide filled brown water.
  4. 'Irish stout Guinness must be served exactly 42 degrees from the equator, according to Roarty.Quality-control teams at the company say that the temperature should be 8 degrees, and not 50 degrees, as it seems.When used at a higher temperature, a creamy tan head with “yellows and hicks” looks like.' https://acdc-beverage.com/what-temperature-should-guinness-beer-be-served-at/ Cold Guinness is a new thing. When were taught to pour Guinness we held the glass so the Guinness landed on the thumb to bring it to the correct temperature.
  5. https://camra.org.uk/ The campaign for real ale sarted in 71 I joined in 74 is the most successful consumer rights group in Europe.
  6. Not in Britain. Hand pumps are still used at real ale pubs and modern craft beer bars.
  7. Cold Guinness is a very new idea
  8. Guinness is never served chilled.
  9. The beer was so bad it led to the creation of CAMRA. The campaign for real ale. Watneys Red Barrel, a keg beer was the nadir in the history of British beer.
  10. It seems the people themselves have decided on this issue as have police who are ignoring the purveyors of cannabis, at least in Pattaya where dope shops are springing up all over the place!
  11. You mean you can't find it or cant arouse the woman in question! There is no common medical condition regarding the absence of a clitoris not in Thailand or anywhere else.
  12. Yes its a made up word to try to denigrate people who have an opinion that is not orthodox FB right wing
  13. Has anybody seen a series about the early American Spies set in revolutionary times called Washington Spies? Excellent drama series.
  14. 'The Great' a comedy series about The Russian Royal Family is quite good fun but comes with a mild woke casting warning.
  15. Isn't it on tinyzonetv.to or F movies
  16. 'For all mankind' is a drama about the space race. But it has a twist. It's predicated on an alternative history in which the Russians land on the moon first. Other differences include Nixon remains in power, Lenton lives etc. Its quite a good show. It comes with a light woke warning only.
  17. Have a scope then! Go on an anti inflammatory diet etc. You'll get better when you stop worrying. Good luck
  18. The Pratumnak people were ingenious during bar closures. At the end of soi 5 people set up a mini gym, watched by people drinking cold beers. A hundred yards away at the other end of Yim Yom Beach people had picnics watching the kids Skateboarding or the 'running of the parrots'
  19. Lazy, incompetent, understaffed and now on 3 day weeks or working from home. That's most government workers in most departments.
  20. I too just let them know my new passport number, showed them the old one and the new one. A 5 minute job but I think I had to go the branch where I opened my account.
  21. Well I don't know your problem but even a colonoscopy does not catch everything. I had the miniature camera that flushes through your guts taking hundreds of photos..
  22. I'm pretty sure my living will lodged with BPH cites local tradition for body disposal
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