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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Many were reluctant to end slavery then and their decendents have mourned its passing ever since.
  2. Their behaviour doesn't reflect an attitude which can be directly linked to the far worse outcomes for UK citizens through lax covid precautions? Britain’s early handling of the coronavirus pandemic was one of the worst public health failures in UK history, with ministers and scientists taking a “fatalistic” approach that exacerbated the death toll, a landmark inquiry has found. “Groupthink”, evidence of British exceptionalism and a deliberately “slow and gradualist” approach meant the UK fared “significantly worse” than other countries, according to the 151-page “Coronavirus: lessons learned to date” report led by two former Conservative ministers. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2021/oct/12/covid-response-one-of-uks-worst-ever-public-health-failures
  3. Things will change once the Georgia and insurrection conspiracy indictments are in. The almost daily addition of new GOP candidates despite the overwhelming poll odds in Favor of Trump signals that they know this. Presidential candidates have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to insider information.
  4. I eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. My comments were in relation to a fruitarian diet. I never suggest to others what to eat. I only post what I believe is a good (or bad diet) and why with links to support my claims. I also drink a little but not much and not frequently.
  5. No it doesn't. It says 5 pieces of fruit AND vegetables every day. Not only do you not provide links but you misquote your sources.
  6. That's her prerogative. Not being able to prove rape does not mean that it didn't happen.
  7. I'm led to believe and have posted inks in support of the following. 1. Older people need significantly more protein than younger people to avoid sarcopenia. 2. The minimum recommendation is 1 gram per kg of body weight and up to 2 grams for seniors. For a 70 Kg person like me, that's well over 100 grams of protein per day. There is no possible way to achieve that on a fruits and nuts diet. I'm in complete agreement with the other nutrients and I do eat a variety of fruits and nuts, including avocados and pumpkin seeds most days. Just not for the protein which is minimal.
  8. I avo contains 3 grams of protein. You'd need to eat a truck load of fruit and vegetables every day to get 100 grams of protein, which is still a low level for seniors.
  9. The recommendation is still 2 or 3 serves of fruit per day, including for diabetics. The American Diabetes Association reports that any fruit is fine for a person with diabetes, so long as that person is not allergic to that type of fruit. In fact, studies such as one from 2017Trusted Source have found that a higher fruit intake is significantly associated with a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/311220#fruits-to-limit
  10. The original claim was rape because Carrol obviously believed it was. If the jury found he committed sexual assault then but can't prove penetration then you think there should be no damages? The motion will join the plethora of frivolous court filings Trump has made.
  11. I believe you do get portability immediately after 2 years in australia before eligibility. OAP is a little over 2k, dole about half.
  12. I'm sure it's pro rata. So it would pay you to do the time before 67 rather than after.
  13. I'm fairly sure it's residency, not working. You can be unemployed and it would not be deducted from this eligibility. I did look it up recently but my memory is shot. The issue for me is many years outside Australia where I worked but did not work in Australia while still counting as resident of Australia.
  14. There is a minimum number of years to live in Australia over the age of 16 before your pension gets pro-rated I think it's 35. If you are close to this number the 2 years living in Australia before entitlement may help put you over it or reduce your deduction if you are under it. This may be true or not true ????
  15. I suspect that the bar with the rainbow colored seats may not have a live band lately?
  16. I wouldn't discount the possibility that Trump was just pumping up the status of that doc or even mischaracterising it's contents altogether, just to brag to his donors. Milley has denied writing it so it may be just like the Biden tapes, all hat and no cattle.
  17. It seems that many of the denizens of those states don't want the vote, they'd rather secede.
  18. I think that "didn't originate" is weasel words to avoid admitting directly that Giuliani wrote the FD-1023. The spurious argument seems to be that the notion wasn't totally dreamed up by Giuliani himself.
  19. I'm not angry. I just can't find anything credible that says a fruitarian diet is healthy. Apparently, neither can you.
  20. I used to be a huge Monty Python fan but Cleese just talked me out of shelling out 2K to go see him, not counting the fare to Bangkok and back to Pattaya. Anybody who is inclined to use the phrase "politically correct", the old "woke", as a substitute for "socially aware" gets a fail from me.
  21. This claim "Great way to heal stomach issues and cleans". I'm not denying the nutritional value of fruit but a fruitarian diet is highly dangerous. Just google it isn't acceptable round these parts. The moon is made of cheese, just google it.
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