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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It might be due to the Immigration vehicles I see driving around Pattaya with the camera box on the roof. I read that they have facial recognition cameras to detect over stayers. Can anybody confirm that's true or not? Asking for a friend, lol. Actually, if true, it's a good thing, especially lately.
  2. Yeah, huge numbers of tourists in Khon Khaen. ????
  3. You only have to push an EV to the next charging station which will soon be the next service station. It won't be long before automobile associations have this covered as well. Meantime, many electric cars have longer ranges than petrol cars.
  4. Yes, except that he took until now to publicly report this threat.
  5. Rasmussen polls are a disgrace to truth. Most Dems understand that this is about resisting a subpoena to the point of being raided by the FBI.
  6. I don't know what all the fuss is about. Russians will not be allowed to compete under their own flag but will have to do so as independents. As usual.
  7. I'd say those vaccines aren't available in Thailand for the same reason as they are uncommon in my country. My 94 year old mother is having problems trying to get one.
  8. There's no other plausible explanation. More people at Immigration translates to more people here in Thailand. My anecdotal observations in Pattaya bear this out. I've never seen so many tourists here (other than the Chinese tours who are yet to arrive) at any time including the 2 years before covid.
  9. It was mainly Musk exaggerating the range of his cars. Who would have thought? https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/tesla-fined-2-2m-exaggerating-driving-range-vehicles-report
  10. Songkran is not restricted to Thailand and is definitely a cultural treasure unlike anything similar found elsewhere. Shivatri in India and Nepal would be the closest cousin. I experienced Shivatri in Kathmandu in 1979 and it was something I'll never forget. Shortly after that I was in Chiang Mai in 1980 and it was a similar event. I'll never forget tossing a whole bucket of iced water over two cops sitting in a police ute and being wished happy new year for my efforts!
  11. Some books do need to be banned and that it one of them. That isn't the subject of this thread which is about ANY books not being allowed unless approved by the Ministry of Truth.
  12. The MAGA DeSantis experience is the epitomy of what the book 1984 was warning us about. Lies becoming truth and the double speak.
  13. You didn't come close to what I asked you to prove. That the left is teaching kids to be karens, etc.
  14. Oh noes. The dreaded EV curse is spreading like a virus. Pretty soon there will be nowhere to park our gas guzzlers.
  15. Fringe-right doubles down on Pelosi lies even after videos prove their conspiracy theories wrong https://www.rawstory.com/right-wing-paul-pelosi-conspiracy/
  16. Prove it. But a predominant feature of the "Karen" stereotype is that they weaponise their relative privilege against people of colour - for example, when making police complaints against black people for minor or even - in numerous cases - fictitious infringements. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-53588201
  17. I've had to push many a car in my day. Are EVs different? Their engines and drive train are actually more reliable.
  18. I used the word love not sex. You are misquoting me as usual. Nobody mentioned bondage and whipping. The comment was about sexuality. The far right seem to think that teaching kids that homosexuality isn't a sin is a sin.
  19. Can we agree that education is not indoctrination? The word "indoctrination" is loaded and is out of context. The process of teaching a person or group to accept a set of beliefs uncritically.
  20. Calling people out as anti-semitic is the same as calling people nazis.
  21. You took my post out of context and did not quote the entirety of my post as required by the rules which led to confusion. Do not clip posts.
  22. And some teach the history of blacks in America and systematic racism that is a part of that history. Why is gay love not appropriate for children but heterosexual love is? Does it offend your God?.
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