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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I actually had trouble telling if he was a farang or Thai. Very skinny and hair past his shoulder, early 30's. I didn't want to look too hard.
  2. Given Trump's own history of racism and anti-semitism it's a fair assumption that he found much in common with the juvenile Fuentes.
  3. It's time to do my 90 day visa extension so I walked the length of Soi Buahkhao to the visa agent to get it done at 9am. Along the way I encountered a middle aged Thai man sitting at some entrance, oblivious to his surroundings, trying to breathe with one of those nose clearing thing things he probably found. He was quite fat and one leg was black and had ulcers. He looked in a bad way. After initially passing by I had a second thought and returned to give him 100 baht. As I walked away he was clutching the note and praying. So sad. A little further one I encountered a log haired, shirtless man just near Subway singing at a rock concert with an air microphone. I didn't give him any money, at least he was enjoying himself.
  4. I specifically gave an example of disadvantaged people who may not have a recognised disability. You clearly disregarded that but didn't mention why. Just being born on the left hand side of the IQ bell curve would do it.
  5. No, the customers of the Chinese restaurant are probably slim ????
  6. *Deleted post edited out* May I draw your attention to this page? You might spot something new there. https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  7. The Scots were entitled to believe that they were going to be in the EU permanently from 1972. The UK parliament has betrayed them.
  8. Yes, I believe they just hand her the bill in Australia and she can't leave the country again without paying it.
  9. An Australian tourist in Norway can apply for an Australian pension? Bear in mind that the reciprocal agreement provides that the pension in this case would be funded and paid by Norway.
  10. I suspect they have to be a dual citizen of that country.
  11. Only if they lived the last 2 years in Australia before applying and were in Australia to apply.
  12. It is their role to help citizens who can't help themselves. They just don't fulfill it.
  13. The conspiracy theory is rejecting the likely cause (because it is covid) in favour of some unstated but unlikely other cause for death, Yes, it's possible he had a stroke or something but essentially you are in denial because it's covid. That's the agenda.
  14. This exceedingly simplistic policy ignores the plight of the disadvantaged. Not just those profoundly disadvantaged like somebody with down's syndrome but even somebody with a mild intellectual incapacity. Or any of millions of other conditions which may affect their ability to work or get paid decently.
  15. Placeholder provided the evidence above, It's inconceivable that she could get contracts that big without connivance from members of her own party and government.
  16. Not at all, they were likely selected because there was no other cause of death suggested by doctors. Unfortunately, people seize on conspiracy theories to explain the indefensible.
  17. The article did not mention any other potential cause of death so it's likely none was known. 41 year old men don't usually just drop dead at work. As I said, Occam's razor. The balance of probabilities is that he died of covid and anything else is baseless speculation designed to cast doubt on the most probable cause in pursuit of an obvious agenda.
  18. Ok, so he died of complications from covid, same thing. He was 41, iirc.
  19. Because, despite being only 3% of the popualtion, 29% of prisoners are indigenous? https://www.creativespirits.info/aboriginalculture/law/aboriginal-prison-rates
  20. He's like 11 years too young to even run for Congress. They have that rule for a reason.
  21. I don't understand this fixation white supremacists have with Nick Fuentes. I was surprised to learn today that he's just a 24 year old kid. Who allows themselves to be led around by a 24 year old kid with no life experience and no education? Brain dead morons.
  22. You can't cure the mindset. You can only remove the means. On a per attack basis, cars and knives don't compare with an AR-15. For whatever reason, mass killings are not conducted using cars and only to a very small extent with knives. Also the chance of surviving a knife attack is probably 1,000 times greater than an AR-15 slug at short range.
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