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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. When it comes to health care, as long as it takes, just like in my country. Our social contract is that everyone should contribute to reduce overall costs. Anyone who doesn't like that should go live on a desert island.
  2. Nick Fuentes Turns on Donald Trump, Calls for New 2024 Candidate https://www.newsweek.com/nick-fuentes-turns-donald-trump-calls-new-2024-candidate-holocaust-denier-1762519
  3. Is Sizzler participating in these apps? I really liked their grilled saba (mackeral) fish with jacket potatoes.
  4. Well you had 5 decades to correct that mistake and didn't so I can only conclude that wasn't true.
  5. That doesn't show relativity and the charts I linked are up to date and conclusive. I din't bother to go back trying to find them again since you referred to the same link without reposting it.
  6. Did you see my UK government sourced charts which shows the UK doing significantly worse than all G7 nations? That constitutes "other countries".
  7. On CNN TV just now. a reporter asked Biden what he thought about Trump having dinner with a white supremacist. answer: "You don't want to hear what I think". Trump would have used it as an opportunity to launch an attack. Biden just lets him dig his own grave. If there was ever any debate that Trump supporters have to be racist to vote for him, this settles it.
  8. Is that buyer's remorse? Were you duped? I don't think any remainers felt deceived by the outcome.
  9. Why not just vote out their enablers (The Tories) and force them to pay their fare share of taxes? That goes for companies too, especially fossil fuel companies. Another way to save trillions would be to end fossil fuel subsidies which would also have an enormous knock on effect of reducing cost of environmental and agricultural damage due to climate change.
  10. This is pretty clear. https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/
  11. His "sobering" conclusion is that in the final quarter of 2021, GDP (gross domestic product) was 5.2% smaller, investment 13.7% lower, and goods trade 13.6% lower than what they would have been had the UK remained in the EU. "The UK had a particularly deep recession in 2020, but it ended COVID restrictions sooner than many of its peers, thanks in part to starting its vaccination campaign early in 2021. That should have made its recovery from COVID faster than other countries, not slower," he says. https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/07/05/brexit-damage-is-eu-exit-now-hitting-uks-economy-harder-than-covid
  12. I think it's perfectly understandable. Just like many anti-vaxers here, many were vaccinated. The convoy was a political protest by anti-democratic fascists who used the vaccines as a proxy, nothing more. Some 36,000 Canadian donors — about 39 per cent — are listed in the partial leak, apparently taken from U.S.-based platform GiveSendGo and posted online by a website devoted to disseminating leaked data. But that number is dwarfed by the number of American donors — some 51,000 or about 55 per cent. https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/convoy-fundraising-leak-shows-substantial-u-s-donations-75k-from-canadian-donor-1.5780989
  13. That basically just says its a meaning epithet coined by the right. Yes, I do know the work was invented by the left.
  14. I won't deny that he could. It's way outside his area of expertise and would take so long to ramp up that I doubt that he would do it. Twitter would be dead and buried by the time it finds a platform with a large enough user base to save it. Just my opinion. I think the whole Twitter thing was brain fart in the first place. I have to wonder why Truth Social is languishing in the doldrums. Any thoughts that Musk would finance losses on Twitter for several years is probably fanciful. He might be worth 200 billion on paper but not in cash.
  15. The few linux phones available are really for developers and tinkerers, there's no high end linux phones. It's not just the core operating systems, the phone manufacturers typically add many features which require developing and testing. It would take years to get there in meaningful way I would think. Then there are no third party apps available for any potential new phone and wouldn't be for even more years. Most developers won't even bother for a limited market. That was Blackberry's main problem. No 3rd party apps.
  16. 100% of phones (a modified version). 99% of cloud servers (pure linux). I use linux only on my computers, have done for well over a decade. I'd guess all IoT devices use a linux core. Also, all supercomputers I would think.
  17. Did she organise those contracts with nobody else in the party knowing or abetting them?
  18. Every government, every public company, every bank, every finance company, etc. has a department whose function is to predict the future.
  19. Incredibly, his security detail didn't check the guy out and tell Trump.
  20. Have you considered why the UK joined in the first place and why wasn't that permanent? How come Brexit gets to be permanent?
  21. Nixon did not have a cult following. I think neither can win a presidential election without the other on side and one of them has to give.
  22. Still a good idea to give them a call. They may recommend someone else if so.
  23. Try here. I know only that they exist. Some others may have recommendations based on experience. http://www.integrity-legal.com/
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