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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Only one Republican senator has announced publicly that he will support former-President Trump’s 2024 reelection bid, a sign of the uphill battle Trump faces in his quest to win the Republican presidential nomination and a second term in the White House. Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-Ala.) told reporters this week that he will support Trump’s candidacy for president and praised his track record in the Oval Office. The rest of the Senate GOP conference is holding back, skeptical he can win the 2024 presidential election or even beat Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the primary. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3742531-trump-white-house-bid-has-hardly-any-senate-gop-support/
  2. Source that Trump called for a peaceful demo before or on the day?
  3. Furthermore, it's been pointed out to you before that Trump never called for peace until the next day.
  4. There's slight sensitivity on my right side under the rib cage. Nothing more. No issues with urination. A specialist in Australia told me after a 6 month review that the chances of a thrombosis again was highly unlikely. The original blood clot was described as massive and block all three tranches of veins. Eventually, the veins grew bypasses.
  5. Last time it was preceded by blood in urine (bright pink), then a few days later abdominal pain and severe constipation, unable to pass a stool or eat for 3 weeks. This time, slight fever, I passed a blood clot in urine about 1 cm in diameter and constipation again plus loss of appetite. It's early days yet but I wanted to get in front of it just in case. I took a couple of senna capsules but, like last time, no effect after several hours. I have not suffered any constipation prior to this for at least a year. The haematologist at home was going to take me off the Eliquis until I told him I was going back to Thailand. He told me to stay on it. I missed one dose a couple of days ago. edit: After the blood clot I started to take doxycycline (it was 1am) and the there has been no clot since or blood since. It's possible the doxy may be causing the constipation. I have a regular girlfriend, not live in. It is possible I got gonorrhea. A couple of years ago I urinated a lot of blood and went to ER in Australia. Subsequently they did ultrasound, xray, MRI and cytoscopy but found no issues.
  6. Does anybody know if the hospitals in Pattaya have the skills to do an ultrasound and diagnose this condition? I had a blood clot in Pattaya a few years ago and the clinics failed to diagnose it. I travelled back to Australia and they diagnosed it immediately and hospitalised me. They didn't do much, gave me Clexane injections and then warfarin. Now I'm on Eliquis. It's a serious issue and I need to make a decision quickly whether to try a hospital here or go home. Approx cost for an ultrasound in Bangkok Hospital (Pattaya)?
  7. Apparently they didn't vote for him. The reason for the very high turnout among the young was Trump revulsion. This killed the red wave which would otherwise have been inevitable.
  8. Trump Says He’s ‘Not Going to Partake’ in Being Charged by Special Counsel Trump is facing two potential prosecutions — a very serious offense, attempting to secure an unelected second term, for which his legal liability is murky, and a less serious but still grave charge, stealing and refusing to surrender classified government documents, for which his culpability seems ironclad. Trump expressed confidence that he will escape charges — which, to be fair, he has managed to do repeatedly throughout his career despite having committed a string of crimes beginning in the 1970s. Trump’s first defense is that, because he was previously impeached twice by Congress but not removed from office, prosecuting him for stealing documents would be “double jeopardy”: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2022/11/trump-special-counsel-jack-smith-not-going-to-partake-double-jeopardy.html
  9. Did they do any testing or just give you the shot?
  10. Expect me to help prevent this site from becoming a platform for hate speech and intolerance. If that doesn't succeed, I'm out of here and you can have it.
  11. Willful inability to comprehend the English language. In common language, “hate speech” refers to offensive discourse targeting a group or an individual based on inherent characteristics (such as race, religion or gender) and that may threaten social peace. https://www.un.org/en/hate-speech/understanding-hate-speech/what-is-hate-speech
  12. They have science on their side, you have nothing but homophobic intolerance. It didn't take long for this thread to descend into a hate fest. Maybe it's time for another break.
  13. Hate speech attacks minorities, not individuals. You're confused.
  14. The issue is that other people shouldn't be prevented from doing so when it affects their own lives.
  15. That's your opinion. Advertiser's won't care if the election was stolen or not, they will look at their corporate reputation. GM suspended advertising on the platform moments after Musk bought it. Watch what happens now.
  16. It's fair that the poll was international as twitter's audience is but that just makes the result less believable.
  17. That won't matter much if they merge or Musk buys it.
  18. This just isn't going to fly with many advertisers who know they will be fingered by liberals. There aren't enough pillows in the world to keep the revenue going. He explained that a tweet deemed to be “negative” or to include “hate” would be allowed on the site but would be visible only to users who specifically searched for it. Such tweets also would be “demonetized, so no ads or other revenue to Twitter,” Musk said. https://apnews.com/article/elon-musk-biden-twitter-inc-technology-congress-d88e3de4b3cc095926dc133f53dc3320?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_02
  19. My prediction is that Musk will buy Truth Social and bury it in order to poach it's tech staff and resolve any conflict Trump has over his twitter account.
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