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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's the same in Australia. The govt is funding an mRNA factory here. The usual low information pundits say too little to late but it's about future viruses. mRNA technology has some promise of producing a universal vaccination.
  2. THe Russian hierarchy still believes they can carry on life as normal and haven't come to terms with their new pariah status in the world. Perhaps now they will.
  3. Russia's ambassador to Poland was splattered with red paint thrown at him by protesters opposed to the war in Ukraine, preventing him from paying respects to Red Army soldiers who died during World War II, at a Warsaw cemetery. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-10/serbians-vladimir-putin-cut-outs-during-pro-russia-ceremonies/101051660
  4. NEW YORK — Child hunger rates in New York City remain much higher than before the COVID pandemic even though the economy is starting to bounce back, according to a new report from the anti-hunger City Harvest group. Compared to pre-pandemic levels, about 55% more New York kids are going hungry today and one in four children “don’t know where their next meal will come from,” in a report to be released on Monday. https://nordot.app/896416897264844800?c=592622757532812385
  5. The promise was always protection against severe illness and nothing more.
  6. Merriam-Webster revised its "vaccine" definition to replace "immunity" with "immune response." The change also addresses the new technology of mRNA vaccines in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The company said the goal was to be scientifically accurate about how vaccines work, not to cast doubt on their effectiveness. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/30/fact-check-merriam-webster-changed-vaccine-definition-accuracy/6354415001/
  7. Why don't you explain it for us mere mortals who are very sure we actually do know the back story? Do you think we are all illiterate fools because we speak English?
  8. The dictionary clarified the meaning, the medical profession was never in doubt and changed nothing.
  9. WHO estimates nearly 15 million people died from COVID-19 over past two years https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-06/world-health-organization-estimates-15-million-covid-deaths/101043014
  10. Ambulance ramping sparks unprecedented warning for Perth residents amid highest COVID figures on record https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-05-09/ambulance-ramping-sparks-unprecedented-warning-for-wa/101051460
  11. ah, ok. Sorry, then we are at crossed purposes. I'm not interested in what one Russian in Jomtien thinks ????
  12. but not vaccines? How were they going to prevent advancing age? There is no shortage of anecdotes about healthy people dying from covid, that ship sailed long ago.
  13. what about all the dead people? did they not need vaccines?
  14. I guess you are young and had reason to consider your risk profile was lower.
  15. One is not enough and that's why we need two according to the data. I got my 4th on the first day that I was eligible to receive it. I am sure that my age and state of health meant that I was at risk of dying from covid and believed that I probably would have but for the vaccines. I'm totally convinced that vaccines have saved my life from covid infection. So much so that I no longer fear covid and will travel back to Pattaya very soon.
  16. He is conflating a heroic (at least early in the war) defence of Russia against the Germans with the barbarity of Russia today, more reminiscent of Russia's actions in Germany at the end of the war.
  17. numbers compared to the virus itself? did I say that vaccines are 100% safe? I remember he horrific scenes and the desperation in hospitals in 2020, especially in Italy and Spain. Do you?
  18. Then what motivates you to opine in this thread? It would be reasonable to assume that if you don't take much interest then you aren't very well informed on the topic.
  19. That's patently false as the latest stats show. https://www.google.com/search?channel=fs&client=ubuntu&q=covid+stats+thailand https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/thailand/ How do people get from a declining graph to "covid is here to stay"? It now appears that with vaccines we are finally winning the war against against covid. It is always possible that we could see another, more infectious version but we are now better positioned to fight against it.
  20. Some people are still dying from covid infections despite vaccination but fortunately the vaccines have reduced the incidence of serious illness and death to much lower levels than experienced early in the pandemic. The vaccines protected very well against the earlier varieties of the virus and that saved potentially millions of deaths.
  21. At 3;55 he says the "goal of the vaccine is to protect against serious illness because that is the only reasonable goal". That's all that needs to be understood about the vaccines.
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