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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It mostly wanes against infections. Protection against serious illness remains largely intact and each shot provides more protection against serious illness than each previous shot. It is important to distinguish between infections and serious illness. You still seem to be conflicted on that issue despite the many posts on this forum explaining the difference.
  2. ozimoron

    Good dentist

    I had quite a bit of dental work, including root canals done at Hollywood dental before covid and had no trouble with any of the work since.
  3. show me the data that says opposite. Oh wait, I see in a later post that you are referring to data which is unacceptable outside of pseudo science sites.
  4. It was clarified in the Oxford dictionary ( a non medical reference) because people were playing semantics and conflating immunity with prevention of illness and death to falsely claim the vaccines didn't work.
  5. I don't understand your question. Covid is a very serious illness but 3 or 4 shots of vaccines will usually prevent it from being a serious illness.
  6. I said serious illness which is all I care about and I'll hazard a guess that most people feel the same way. The covid vaccine is not an immunisation, it is a vaccine.
  7. all the advice I've seen says the vaccines remain effective for serious illness against the newer omicron variants cropping up. Do you have any information which contradicts that?
  8. where is the evidence that you will need any further shots at all?
  9. 4 shots so far doesn't by any stretch mean every 4 months. Furthermore, the fourth shot is only recommended for the elderly and vulnerable at present.
  10. I've not seen any recommendation to that effect, stop making stuff up.
  11. Perhaps they noticed the 1.4 million dead people in Asia alone. A 1% probability of death among the total population is not insignificant and we're far from done yet.
  12. They're just pushing back against the incessant Thai bashers who think it doesn't happen everywhere.
  13. I have read countless links which advise contrary to your assertions and no credible links which agree with it. It is poor netiquette to post unsubstantiated controversial claims.
  14. why don't you do the right thing and post links?
  15. Do you read any links? Denmark has not stopped vaccinations. Nor have you provided any evidence that natural immunity is better. Those who didn't survive covid and enjoy the benefits of natural immunity would argue against you if they could.
  16. This is totally misleading. They have suspended further invitations to vaccines because of the high level of vaccinations and, as a result, the virus is under control. They are still recommending vaccines Officials are set to stop sending out invitations for vaccinations as of May 15. But the health authority said it continues to recommend vaccination against COVID, particularly to those who are at greater risk of serious disease. Those at the greatest risk are eligible for a fourth vaccine dose in Denmark. https://fortune.com/2022/04/28/denmark-suspends-vaccination-program/.
  17. It would have been a lot faster if people didn't listen to politically motivated misinformation.
  18. A recent poll by the respected independent Levada Center found that 82% of Russians remain concerned by the military campaign in Ukraine. The vast majority of them – 47% – are worried about the deaths of civilians and Russian soldiers in the war, along with the devastation and suffering. Only 6% of those concerned by the war said they were bothered by the alleged presence of “Nazis” and “fascists” in Ukraine. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-germany-europe-holidays-845bf637b126a61508be2164dec9e28c
  19. If this is correct it seems you dodged a bullet by getting vaccinated. It's amazing how many people didn't get very sick so they downplay the role of the vaccine when it was clear that the vaccine likely saved them from a much worse fate.
  20. Bottom line is that he would more likely have still been around but for qualifying for the Hermann Cain award.
  21. They aren't going to. Cut the FUD. I'm looking forward to an omicron specific booster when one becomes available or even one of the new, more universal vaccinations. I don't want to suffer lifelong debilitation or worse from this once in a century pandemic and not falling for the idiotic anti vax nonsense.
  22. I just had my 4th booster a day after the annual flu shot. People close to me have had covid but so far I didn't get any symptoms. The 4th shot is recommended in Australia by health authorities for anyone over 60.
  23. I tried to get Novavax for my 4th shot last week but they told me it's reserved for people who can't have mRNA shots. They had only Moderna so I had my second shot of that.
  24. no, I have had AZ, Pfizer and Moderna without any problems.
  25. I think they are unlikely to waste expensive missiles on non military targets on a rescue mission. It wouldn't play well to the public either.
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