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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. If Russia are firing missiles into Ukraine from within Russian territory or refueling tanks and trucks from fuel stores in Russian territory then they not only become legitimate targets but they are compelled to attack them in self defense.
  2. Far more drug money and laundering uses fiat currencies than crypto.
  3. KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — The Kremlin warned about taking retaliatory “military-technical” steps after Finland’s leaders came out in favor of applying to join NATO, and Sweden could do the same within days, in a historic realignment triggered by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. That would represent a major change in Europe’s security landscape: Sweden has avoided military alliances for more than 200 years, while Finland adopted neutrality after its defeat by the Soviets in World War II. Public opinion in both nations shifted dramatically in favor of NATO membership after the invasion, which stirred fears in countries along Russia’s flank that they could be next. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-finland-a21a06ac0235bb89c9e8368e0ffca2c9
  4. Jha predicted that the next generation of vaccines, which are likely to be targeted at the currently prevailing omicron strain, “are going to provide a much, much higher degree of protection against the virus that we will encounter in the fall and winter.” https://apnews.com/article/biden-covid-health-congress-7adf040135bd5e761433b86cac196684
  5. Rubbish, provide a credible link. Requiring doctors and civil servants to know Ukrainian is not equivalent to banning the use of the language. Every country has similar policies. And, even if it did, does that justify and invasion and thousands of barbaric war crimes? The law, which obliges all citizens to know the Ukrainian language and makes it a mandatory requirement for civil servants, soldiers, doctors, and teachers, was championed by outgoing President Petro Poroshenko. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-parliament-language-idUSKCN1S111N
  6. This is good as it provides competition for the few market dominating players who haven't got a data center in Thailand.
  7. Putin himself is one of the worst Oligarchs and has supported the oligarchy during his reign which is how he consolidated power. Ukraine never outlawed the use of the Russian language they only mandated it's use for education, government and law. Try demanding to be educated in Greek in Australia.
  8. A YT'er named Wolf of Wall Street publish an interesting vid today where he claimed either about 14K or 8K which is roughly inline with your predictions. I'm going to start DCA'ing in below 10K if we get that low.
  9. If it wasn't then your post was willfully off topic and a troll.
  10. Then what's with the rant about the USD? USD is traditionally a safe haven currency and that ain't about to change soon. The inflation will only push interest rates which further push the dollar.
  11. You'll use the free quota in no time. The free account is no good for streaming.
  12. https://www.tunnelbear.com/ Free up to 500 Mb per month. I use it for buying lottery tickets online.
  13. which asset is rising against the USD the past 2 weeks?
  14. RSI can remain in oversold territory for a long time. It's above 30 right now so could go lower yet.
  15. I would agree but I think 10K is not unrealistic. Maybe 15 but I won't buy until the macroeconomic picture starts to change, Russian war and inflation.
  16. Right now I think we are seeing BTC benefit from some regular divergence on the 4 hour time frame. I believe it will continue to fall after that plays out.
  17. I'm saying that it did achieve that multiple in that time frame. I'm right. Yes, let's see in 3 months. The consensus I am seeing has an asset crash coming. We have had nothing but stimulus sine 2008 and most of that money has found it's way into the stock market. Now we are seeing hyper inflation worse than in 1980/82.
  18. It was up 10 times in 2 years not very long ago. Some coins were up far more, LUNA being one of them.
  19. I never called a time frame of ten years, it was two. Amazon is just over half what it was 6 months ago. Show me an asset class worth ten times in 2 years outside of crypto.
  20. A private company. The lowest price I can find for it was about 1/3 of current value.
  21. you're being very selective :). Not long ago it was 65 times it's 2017 value. My point stands, BTC isn't cheap right now.
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