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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You seemed to be missing that I said BTC was approx 1/10th of its current value TWO (2) years ago. Twitter is down about 20% on recent highs.
  2. I think it will approach 2017 levels before rising again. It was 4K in march 2020 so I don't get how 29K now is "cheap". I could be wrong but no asset class does that well and stays there.
  3. By what measure is something that is valued at 10 times what it was a couple of years ago cheap?
  4. One thing to keep an eye on is the NASDAQ. Today it opened 2% lower and is continuing down, as is gold. BTC always follows the stock market. Of course it can turn around and the last hour of trade is when it's most likely to do so but for now it doesn't look like a good time to catch a falling knife.
  5. I lost $10K early on before I knew what I was doing. I got out and put my cash into USDT/C in january. Since then I have called the direction correctly on lots of occasions but never had the cohones to put some money in. One reason is that as soon as I do, I can't stop watching the price and become unproductive in my work. I actually placed a shot on BTC at 36K but aforementioned YT'er thought it would bounce before it continued to drop so I took it off. Now I'll never watch any of these YT'ers again. I believe I know enough about TA now to figure out when to get back in. Time will tell. I think there's a lot of downside to come yet.
  6. I'm well aware of the halving cycle. It is just another indicator. Meantime, LUNA is below 0.02c again.
  7. BTC is still ten times it's value 3 years ago. Logic would tell me there is no reason it can't go back there. I believe the value is still way too high and we haven't experienced the full force of the stock market capitulation yet. I believe we are headed for an asset crash. I hope I'm wrong but I'm not aiming to try to pick the absolute bottom. One of the more popular youtubers maintained for weeks that some indicator he shilled demonstrated that BTC would never fall below 36K again. It dropped through that level like a knife through hot butter.
  8. Probably Perth Mint. Gold can also be bought using crypto pegged to the gold price and backed by physical gold.
  9. USDT has also now lost its peg. Valued at 0.98c abandon ship!
  10. LUNA suspended by Prime XBT. I think it will just go to zero. There was some concern that the company had bought 10 billion in BTC and might sell it to prop up LUNA but it looks like they might just walk away with the bitcoin. Pure speculation on my part.
  11. I only have a week before travel so it may be a bit tight. I probably should have asked if there is any reason not to arrive visa exempt. As far as I know I'd have to send my application to Canberra which may take longer than a week to return. I'm currently in Adelaide. The consulate phone number on their website is not connected.
  12. I am travelling to Thailand soon and want to apply for a non-O visa after arrival. Is it best to arrive visa exempt or on a TR? I think I need to use a visa agent as I'm not sure of my bank account status after 2 years of non use and don't want to transfer 800K into a black hole. I intend to go visit the bank on arrival. I believe the BB branch I opened the account in at Jomtien is now closed. In any case there won't be enough time for the funds to mature. Can anyone suggest a good via agent in Pattaya or Jomtien?
  13. I recently had an ultrasound which showed an enlarged prostate and they immediately followed up with an MRI. They also did a PSa blood test which was elevated but within the expected range for my age. I was diagnosed as having BPH.
  14. Here is a complete list of assets to hold right now. High inflation also means high interest rates. 1. USD.
  15. So long as we are on the same page about mask wearing, that it reduces infection markedly then all good. A large, randomized trial led by researchers at Stanford Medicine and Yale University has found that wearing a surgical face mask over the mouth and nose is an effective way to reduce the occurrence of COVID-19 in community settings. https://med.stanford.edu/news/all-news/2021/09/surgical-masks-covid-19.html
  16. They actually worked against severe illness, just not as well against infection as their western counterparts.
  17. I think it's both, we are winning but we could see another more infectious version. I'm not sure if covid will be here forever because every other coronavirus has eventually petered out. The Spanish Flu did, as well as SARS and MERS. It may live on like the flue but as far as I understand (I don't know) the flu is a rhinovirus, not a coronavirus. H1N1 keeps coming back but I think they are disparate strains. I think 2 1/2 years is not long for a pandemic and we need to wait for the infections to die down rather than do a George and declare mission accomplished while infections are still rising in many places. If learnign to live with it means ignoring it or doing nothing to mitigate it then I disagree. I now have 4 shots so I feel fairly safe but I'm still very willing to wear masks, get tested.
  18. He wants to be and you are the one who mentioned his name and crime in the same sentence, lol
  19. By charities I mean they gave to the poor, not what some tax law says. The actual word charity.
  20. Is this drivel? https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trump-2022-lawsuit-court-case-timeline-2022-1
  21. so what happens to the kids? Luckily there are still people around with empathy who will donate. Imagine if nobody donated to charities. The US is founded on private charities as an alternative to the welfare state.
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