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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. They aren't the same thing or function but if you are buying a laptop, the inbuilt graphics will be just fine. If you wanted better graphics, you'd buy a desktop with a separate graphics card.
  2. OP was looking at a machine worth 16,000 baht. The machine you are quoting is over 42,000 baht.
  3. Of course an i9 will be faster than an 13 but not because it is newer, it isn't. Both have been released with the 12th gen chip sets. https://www.techadvisor.com/news/pc-components/intel-alder-lake-12th-gen-cpu-3800589/
  4. Did you try using the desktop UI to change the screen resolution?
  5. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy warned his people early Saturday that retreating Russian forces were creating “a complete disaster” outside the capital as they leave mines across “the whole territory,” even around homes and corpses. He issued the warning as the humanitarian crisis in the encircled city of Mariupol deepened, with Russian forces blocking evacuation operations for the second day in a row https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-zelenskyy-kyiv-europe-8482e237420a33a17bfb4e613e75bb66
  6. After 10 seconds thinking about this I would suggest that the US has a higher rate of population than Germany or France who have already been infected (due to lower vaccination rates) and therefore have higher rates of immunity leading to lower rates of death now, despite the higher rate of vaccinations. The proposition that somehow the vaccines have led to higher rates of death is utterly insane.
  7. It's true but what point are you trying to make about Putin's war crimes?
  8. Worse than that, there will be a video of a mangy puppy and somebody will start a go fund me campaign for it while thousands of kids starve.
  9. I agree. Lately I have been weighing Philippines vs Thailand. I speak both languages fairly well but have lived longer in the Philippines. I can live rent free in a very nice apartment kitted out imported furniture from David Jones but the extra cost and hassle for transport and food is not worth it. In Thailand I can wander down the street at any time of the night and there is plenty of decent food available cheaply. The streets are safe and I can walk anywhere I want to go. That just isn't true of AC. The hustle is all too real as well.
  10. So far, 3 shots have cost me nothing. I don't see the purpose of your obviously wildly exaggerated vaccination schedule. Right now, it's been 2 years and three shots. Hardly onerous. I said once before that I fully expected that covid might kill me when it first appeared and the ICU scenes were horrific. Now, I'm not particularly concerned at all, thanks to the vaccinations. I'm due another shot next month and I'll gladly have it. If it was a couple of hundred dollars I'd pay it even though I'm not rich. I'm just happy that some scientists figured out how to dramatically reduce my chances of serious illness and we no longer need to worry too much. If I need one every 4 months until covid goes away, then so be it. I only regret that the unvaccinated are keeping this disease circulating longer than is necessary.
  11. I don't particularly care. If the authorities recommend I should have a shot then I'll get it.
  12. I'm seeing a lot of effort to make a case for never giving charity here.
  13. Regardless of any definition you may quote without a link, vaccines have never been claimed to provide 100% sterilizing immunity. Many vaccines, even covid vaccines, go a long way to reducing infections to very low numbers but none are perfect. Some are just better than others. The flu vaccine has been around for many years, long before covid and have never provided 100% sterilizing immunity. You're claim that the definition of a vaccine was changed after covid is misleading because none ever have done so. You claim that "many" have become infected after vaccination is also over egged. The truth is that the definitions were upgraded to reflect reality in the light of modern science while nobody really paid attention to the fit between the definition and the reality in the past. It took a once in 100 years pandemic to bring attention to that. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/11/30/fact-check-merriam-webster-changed-vaccine-definition-accuracy/6354415001/
  14. Demoralized Russian soldiers in Ukraine were refusing to carry out orders and sabotaging their own equipment and had accidentally shot down their own aircraft, a U.K. intelligence chief said on Thursday. Jeremy Fleming, who heads the GCHQ electronic spy agency, made the remarks at a speech in the Australian capital Canberra. Russian President Vladimir Putin had apparently “massively misjudged” the invasion, he said. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-putin-europe-australia-canberra-3d72fb96191029659575e4b368b80bd1
  15. It's quite likely a staged video which was re-enacted after the original event. I would have done the same in the hope that it went viral on tiktok to draw attention to the poor girl's light. I don't think they created a fake video out of a vacuum.
  16. He always did maintain that infection produced a level of immunity. That's common sense and he never claimed otherwise.
  17. I think it's also fair to say that Putin aims to take all the coastal lands of Ukraine up to Moldova (and perhaps including Moldova which is not a NATO country) in order to deny Ukraine a port.
  18. That's a change in position, you said they earned it. Now they have "earned" to be kicked out.
  19. Ukrainians evacuating the areas spoke of heavy shelling north of Irpin, shells landing in Irpin itself and dead bodies in the streets. Chernihiv's Mayor Vladyslav Astroshenko said Russian bombardment of the city had intensified over the past 24 hours, with more than 100,000 people trapped inside and just enough food and medical supplies to last about another week. "This is yet another confirmation that Russia always lies," he told CNN. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-31/russia-bombs-kyiv-and-chernihiv-despite-promise-to-scale-back/100953730
  20. We don't know there was and even if that was true, how does that justify bombing a hospital which we know is a war crime?
  21. I'm paraphrasing you. You seem to believe that bombing those hospitals was somehow justified and I'm trying to find out why you think that.
  22. Does that then justify bombing them? Are those reporters dressing up as doctors nasty people and deserve to be bombed?
  23. Why was that? It does seem a bit much to just kill a few thousands of innocent civilians because not doing so was "not in play".
  24. was there a different course of events that may have saved lives?
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