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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You're the first person on this forum that's ever said or implied that. Do you have any evidence?
  2. Not strange at all. The FDA wants timely reporting of any potential side effects. The website should be understood for what it is and is not. It is not attributing causation for any reported side effects. Anybody with a basic education would understand that.
  3. Two things, we know already that omicron is infecting previously infected people and we also know that vaccination after infection gives a much stronger protection than natural immunity alone. Natural immunity is far from complete immunity. I would prefer the strongest possible protection.
  4. He wouldn't be if only he (or you) would post evidence to support your claims. Unlike yourself who seems to just ignore the massive preponderance of evidence put before you I do have an open mind.
  5. He's claiming heart attack after the vaccination. You posted a link showing that risk of heart attack rises after infection which diminishes the argument against vaccinations because of heart attack. Thank you for your positive contribution bolstering the need to vaccinate.
  6. The emergency use caveat has long since been withdrawn and it is now against forum rules to claim that the vaccines are only for emergency use. Just a heads up, I suggest you edit your post to remove that reference.
  7. Nobody would care if it was just them. The latest variant presumably came from Africa where there is major vaccine hesitancy which can only be attributed to anti vax propaganda. The same is true of US red states. And the Australian indigenous population where these deplorables are spreading indigenous language propaganda.
  8. The anti vaxers here are on record as having repeatedly posted theories which have been debunked many, many, many times and repeatedly been shown the evidence which contradicts their claims as well as been repeatedly challenged to back up their claims with alternative data. Not one has ever risen to the challenge. Never. It isn't a matter of being shy to respond, if they don't have the guts to put up them they need to shut up. The simple fact is that they choose to post lies and run. Their agenda is political and not based on fact. Utterly reprehensible.
  9. If they make false claims (lie) in ADDITION to expressing their reluctance then any course of action is justified to hold them to account.
  10. Lies don't get equal time with the truth. If other kinds of medication are proven to work by ANY credible evidence then they deserve not to be ridiculed. Until that happens, the proponents of such treatments who don't post any evidence are risible in the extreme.
  11. The evidence did not come from governments but from authoritive medical institutions. If you had bothered to read the links you would be aware of that. I think it's really time for the anti vaxxers to put up evidence which contradicts that medical evidence or shut up.
  12. Even if omicron is comparatively mild the way it affects young kids is going to bounce back hard on the anti vax crusaders.
  13. 94% of Republicans think one or more false statements about COVID-19 and vaccine safety might be true. https://www.npr.org/2021/12/06/1057344561/anti-vaccine-activists-political-conference-trump-republicans
  14. The evidence has been posted here literally dozens of times but the anti-vaxers want to keep lying about it.
  15. Because alleging anything without a plausible, evidence based argument is not acceptable to any critically thinking person. It may well be that the virus escaped from a Chinese lab but alleging that there was anything deliberate about it or that they even manufactured the virus as a weapon is beyond insane.
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