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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. That's a really good price. I just paid $45 for 2 x 100 tabs on eBay in Australia. I just started taking them this week so I'll report my results in a few weeks.
  2. Mostly they get pulled into the fan. Darwin has some of the highest incidents of bird strike in the world.
  3. And your explanation for your claim thjat mRNA vaccines can destroy the immune system is where? If you don't know, do you agree that posting the suggestion is irresponsible in the extreme?
  4. https://www.baaa-acro.com/crash/crash-handley-page-hp95-hastings-c3-darwin
  5. You just posted the most egregious lie and conspiracy theory I have yet seen about coronavirus vaccines but you claim not to care!
  6. If you have some evidence then out with it, until them people are entitled to call that theory out as a lie. It is not acceptable to postulate an unsubstantiated theory which has the effect of destroying public confidence in covid vaccines without putting supported argument.
  7. Again, you are conflating those who are afraid to get vaccinated with those who attempt to convince others not to do so, often hypocritically as they are very often themselves vaccinated.
  8. Your confusing those who are vaccine hesitant with those who spread anti-vax propaganda, ostensibly for political purpose.
  9. The truth is that people wearing seat belts can still get killed in motor accidents. Your claim has about the same degree of validity. Very little. What part of MUCH MUCH MUCH less chance are you refusing to acknowledge? This lie gets repeated here at least 5 times a day.
  10. One reason for assuming that anti vaxxers are right wing extremists is the high correlation between anti-vaxers and that demographic. Another is that most vaccines are actually mandatory anyway and nobody complains about them. "sovereignty of their own body" is an excuse for narcissism and doesn't explain the many anti-vaxers who admit they are vaccinated but opposed to vaccine mandates anyway. Kind of like Brian protesting his right to get pregnant in The Life of Brian. I think the association is mostly justifiable in the majority of cases. Obviously not all but the generalisation is valid.
  11. Unless God strikes me down with lightning or I fall off the edge then those things can't affect me. Covid definitely can.
  12. I'm old and therefore still vulnerable to infection. The more who get vaccinated the less chance I have of being infected. Provably so.
  13. Wouldn't that suggest that there's no such thing as a lie or that lies can't be exposed as such despite a preponderance of evidence. If that were true nobody would ever be convicted of a crime.
  14. The reason I spend so much of my time attempting to counter anti-vaxers is that I'm acutely aware their toxic lies can affect me personally. The sooner everyone get vaccinated the sooner i get back to Thailand in safety and a normal life before I get too old to enjoy it.
  15. it happens https://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/58422 I watched this plane crash.
  16. research, how else? They define the problem then produce research and evidence to determine if the controversy is true or false. That research is open for criticism but I don't see a lot of evidence produced which refutes their conclusion, just name calling.
  17. I think that's what fact checkers do and overall I think they are not part of a left wing conspiracy. At least, I don't see their facts being challenged with any contradictory evidence, just a lot of name calling.
  18. You're a bit behind the times lol. The far right are capitalizing on a Twitter policy error to take down images posted by journalists which expose them. https://www.pcmag.com/news/far-right-trolls-abuse-twitters-new-policy-to-get-critics-banned
  19. Twitter and to a lesser extent Facebook have been forced to censor because the lies were so egregious. Was that not a good thing? Would censorship if racist propaganda before and during WW2 have helped? Do lies deserve equal time with the truth? If the lies are malevolent should they be quelled? Should libel be censored?
  20. Beware of the difference between joking and trolling in a thread like this. Best to provide supporting evidence for anything you post which may be controversial.
  21. There's been nothing to suggest that he was mislabeled. If you have anything definitive please pass it on with links. The preponderance of evidence is still that the virus was passed from animals (likely bats) to humans.
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