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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How then, do you explain the socio economic disparity between African Americans and whites in national statistics?
  2. There won't be too many outside Russia crying over Russia's economy being in tatters. Right now, that's the goal.
  3. They're separated into species when they don't interbreed. That basically translates into habitat ranges. Birds of a different color that could interbreed but don't due to geographical separation are a different species. In Australia we have rainbow lorikeets. They look a little like the bee eaters here but more colorful and larger as they are parrots. They extend all around the northern and eastern coasts of Australia and vary quite a lot in color in different areas but they are a single species. The reason for this is the birds do interbreed at the edges of their range and the total range is unbroken for thousands of miles. Within any given habitat there is little or no variation in colors. Then there is the Gouldian Finch. It has three main color variations but they all live together and interbreed. They are a single species. Black Cockatoos have 2 color variations with a habitat. I've never been able to figure out why and why one doesn't get bred out.
  4. Apparently less rich than if he'd just put it into a blind investment fund. https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2021/10/11/its-official-trump-would-be-richer-if-he-had-just-invested-his-inheritance-into-the-sp500/?sh=2db8102b1c48
  5. His faults are that he's a lying, self serving silver spooned entitled prat. Other than that he's probably a nice guy.
  6. I was saying that the opposition to a 2 state solution in Israel by the ruling party goes back that far. The policy of divide and conquer (funding off Hamas) may or may not be a Netanyahu invention. I'd say it was a consensus invention. Netanyahu was the Likud party leader as far back as 1993. It's reasonable to assume he held those views and was influential in the party well before that.
  7. OK, it's 2 generations. a. The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable and is linked with the right to security and peace; therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty. https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/original-party-platform-of-the-likud-party
  8. They are also seasonal in Australia but the birds are a different species and called rainbow bee eaters.
  9. What's funny to you is all that's going to save the hostages. Many Israelis know that. The EU and the US know that. Only Likud supporters who want them and Bibi to stay in power don't know that. Palestinians are far too sick of seeing kids get shot to back down now. They know that a permanent solution is now or never. The rest of the world knows it too.
  10. It isn't a team sport. Many who support Israel don't do so unconditionally. Most Americans want a 2 state solution. Likewise, support for Palestinians doesn't translate to opposition to Israel.
  11. Sure, but my point is just don't think this is a godsend for Trump unless what I've been reading is wildly wrong.
  12. What she has done is neither illegal nor a conflict of interest. Any disciplinary action against her will not affect the trial other than a short delay at best.
  13. Don't stand underneath them. Some time ago I predicted TSLA would tank once the market realized that the company is an electric car company and not an AI company. That's happened soon after. I think reports of Must taking drugs and the X debacle have also weighed on TSLA.
  14. What would taking out Ayatollah Khomeini achieve besides ww3? Or was it ww2? Trump said it would be.
  15. His administration cranked the dial on U.S. competition with China, assassinated an influential Iranian general, and brokered the Abraham Accords between Israel and a number of Arab states, while also alienating allies in Europe, signing a catastrophic deal with the Taliban, and withdrawing the United States from both the Iran nuclear deal and the Paris climate accords. The remainder of this section discusses the details of the quid pro quo deals that created the Abraham Accords—and, in many cases, their heavy costs for progressive foreign policy aims. https://tcf.org/content/report/salvage-progressive-policies-abraham-accords/
  16. GOP senators say there is less enthusiasm for former President Trump among Republican-leaning voters compared to 2016, a drop in voter energy that was apparent when only 15 percent of Iowa’s registered Republicans showed up for Monday’s caucuses. Lawmakers acknowledge the weather was a factor behind the low turnout in Iowa but point to other signs of diminished enthusiasm for Trump, something that could hurt down-ballot Republican candidates in swing states. Senate Republicans hope that Trump’s problems will be balanced by lower enthusiasm among Democrats for President Biden, though they expect Trump being atop the ticket will drive Democratic voters to the polls in large numbers. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/4418798-senate-gop-fears-drop-in-trump-enthusiasm-energy/
  17. Love is bit strong but I do hold Vox in high regard. Bias Rating: LEFT Factual Reporting: HIGH https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/vox/
  18. Donald and Melania Trump received Covid vaccine at the White House in January https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/01/politics/trump-melania-vaccinated-white-house/index.html
  19. I just posted a quote from 2019 proving that divide and conquer has always been Netanyahu's policy.
  20. Nah, it just triggers me when I see an abject lack of balance, objectivity and critical thinking (as opposed to knee jerk team cheerleading). And that followed by inflammatory allegations. Stop it and you might see a huge drop in my replies to your posts.
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