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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. how many words in the English language have more than one meaning for identical spelling?
  2. I was being sarcastic. Few people would notice that increase without instruments.
  3. It peaked at that rate under covid. Trump inherited a decent economy from Obama https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/12/23/trump-biden-us-economy-compared/
  4. Calling me antisemitic is a filthy lie. I have never mentioned Jews. Ever.
  5. That's the least of his problems. Ethics problems prevent the psychiatry assn from directly saying Trump is insane. In a letter to President Obama in December (reported in the Huffington Post), three psychiatry professors asked for a ‘medical and neuropsychiatric’ evaluation of the then president-elect. This was followed by a welter of similar concerns including: a letter to the New York Times signed by 35 psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers; a petition on Change.org signed by more than 57,000 mental health professionals, and even a congressional proposal to have a White House psychiatrist. The main diagnosis mentioned is ‘Narcissistic Personality Disorder’ from the DSM, the main manual of psychiatric classification in the US. https://blogs.canterbury.ac.uk/discursive/saying-donald-trump-is-mentally-ill-is-unethical-inaccurate-and-unhelpful/
  6. Is their reporting on this issue false? Stop shooting messengers and focus.
  7. The sea isn't rising at Pattaya beach so it isn't real.
  8. It isn';t about God for me. I simply believe he's a fairy tale and leave it at that. The problem is the church. The church is so evil an dnasty that righteous thinking people should rail against them for antisocial behaviour and boorishness. Stew Peters rages Satanists have no right to mock Christians and his version of American 'values' He leaped in his car, drove the 830 miles from his home in Lauderdale, MS. to Des Moines, IA. and ripped the head off the Baphomet statue the Satanic Temple of Iowa had erected on public property to celebrate the holidays. The Sentinel launched a begathon to cover Cassidy’s legal expenses. It quickly raised its target of $20,000 — $10,000 from Turning Point USA. https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/1/11/2216876/-Stew-Peters-rages-Satanists-have-no-right-to-mock-Christians-and-his-version-of-American-values?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web
  9. https://theintercept.com/2022/09/20/shireen-abu-akleh-killing-israel/ Israeli Forces Deliberately Killed Palestinian American Journalist, Report Shows A new forensic analysis proves that an Israeli sniper could see that Shireen Abu Akleh was a journalist before firing the bullet that killed her.
  10. 2 million out of how many in the UK? Don't be so blase. It could easily happen to you.
  11. It's an historical fact, not just apolitical opinion. Many people would have formed the same view. I saw exactly that sentiment expressed in a DW video interviewing a Cambridge professor.
  12. As long as there's democracy there can't be thought police. If people considered there were thought police they would simply vote in politicians who promised to let the cat out of the bag. That's how democracy works. Secret conspiracies can only thrive in a dictatorship.
  13. Who among us would not steal to feed a starving child? Are we bad people?
  14. It's been demonstrated that if Trump had put the money in a blind trust at the beginning he'd be much richer than he is now.
  15. I don't want to be picky but how to you draw a line between a ship being damaged and people killed or injured?
  16. No. The pentagon should know. Biden is not the accountant in chief. Your side wants to defund the military and then cries foul when they don't count every bullet. You can't make this stuff up.
  17. Stop lying. It's disgusting. Show me where I justified or supported the Hamas attack.
  18. Millions of antisemites around the world is not the same as persistently labeling board members as antisemitic.
  19. yeah, nah. Nobody's surprised. People who try to see both sides of this conflict know what they're dealing with.
  20. If you lie to a lender they can sue you. It's also a criminal offense of fraud.
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