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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Disconnect the battery and get some fuel stabilizer. Hopefully its parked under a roof. If possible have a friend start it a few times a month.
  2. Yes, same as the one built in Laos. "This is essentially a Chinese public infrastructure project that happens to exist in another country," .https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-12-02/laos-china-railway-to-launch-as-debt-to-beijing-mounts
  3. Yes, you come across that way. You'll probably grow old, lonely, and alone with your attitude.
  4. I'm glad at least for this. We're heading to Hua Hin for the holiday weekends. Its going to be very busy. Mostly Thais. Hilton was sold out for the 9th-11th.
  5. Lots of people worried. Daily wages of 300 baht Don't go as far as they did 20 years, the last time the minimum wage was raised. (Not including Bangkok proper).
  6. For sure! Funny enough. Yesterday I located an organic hydroponic farm not far from my house in Issan. I finally had a descent salad!
  7. All news media here is tightly controled by this government. You can easily find the truth online though.
  8. My vaccine passport took one week to process. Khon Kaen. Perhaps if you bribe them a few thousand baht probably could be done in 24-48 hours. They need a signature from doctors registered with the Junta to sign it.
  9. Thats par for the course for vaccine distribution in Thailand. At least it wasn't that Chinese slop.
  10. Thats convenient if you're heading home soon and are in no rush to return. Hernias are a pretty standard operation. If your insured and know of a descent private hospital wouldn't it be more practical to have it done here now? You don't want to put this off to long.
  11. "Parliament agrees to set up "Casino Commission" - idea to get gambling money from foreign tourists gains momentum" Its done deal then. This government always puts out statements like this to soften the blow when its finally approved. personally I think its a great idea. What they really need are proper sportbooks to differential them from the seedy casino's in the neighboring countries.
  12. "Thai tourism minister says "Omicron" won't affect tourism arrivals" Yes it will.
  13. All 5 of the youth and a couple of fat guys. Not very convincing.
  14. MrJ2U

    NYE in Isaan.

    The new variant has really put the kebash on celebrations. Check the Avani Khon Kaens Facebook page. No fireworks but perhaps a nice buffet dinner and free flow champagne.
  15. Dominoes effect for sure. Even that money sent home has dried up. Mom and pop shops shutting there doors. COVID-19 has hurt everyone and every country. We're going on a little break to Hua Hin next week to do our part in helping the economy!
  16. It's everywhere anyway. You can strike up a conversation in BigC or Amazon Coffee house and get a date. Beach road in Pattaya and any other beach area is littered with gorgeous Thai girls wanting to learn a little English. Sex as you know is the oldest profession in the world.
  17. Nice to go have a little of everything. Thats what makes Thailand such a blast! Anyway I live in Issan. It's exciting to be able to get a pizza once in a while! Enjoy your weekend!
  18. Thailands sex industry and night life contribute as much 3% to the economy. https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2021/02/03/960848011/how-the-pandemic-has-upended-the-lives-of-thailands-sex-workers Thailand's biggest draw is its beaches and nightlife. I always find it funny when that HiSo says, "I never pay for it". You pay for it one way or the other. I'm married and my wife and I enjoyed Pattaya. It's lively and tons of great restaurants. I find temples boring and Thai street food is garbage.
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