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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Loaded with information! I wish you were around when I purchased my first used bike 20 years ago.
  2. Gotta open up. If its really that bad the first round of tourists will be stuck here indefinitely once another lockdown is imposed and flights stop.
  3. I thought they've resolved that problem. Guess not. https://www.pintas.com/zantac-lawyer/when-will-zantac-be-back-on-the-market/
  4. Tested and used thoroughly. It's a pandemic. Are you suggesting we wait for what?
  5. The Government, GPO, and the Health Ministry are usually at loggerheads with the Thai Doctors Rural Society. The Rural society is usually right. The main reason there's proper people in the medical profession and not unqualified people trying to make a profit over the well being of Thai Society as a whole.
  6. I'd prefer that. But for some reason It's hard to get up here in Issan.
  7. Patting each other on the backs. There still a dearth of vaccines and theres a rise in cases down south. Once the next wave hits that complete idiot will do what he does best. Blame everything on other people. Disgusting Human being.
  8. Good times. Much better than this military junta who disinfranchised millions of voters. My Thai wife and many other Thais have nothing but complete disgust for the most corrupt government that Thailand has ever had. Anyone who thinks otherwise is out of touch with reality.
  9. Once you get the one that looks like a " joke" issued you'll need to bring it to an approved hospital. Its there you will need copies of that certificate and your passport to get the real passport for travel internationally. It takes up to a week after submitting the documents. They'll have the dose #, vaccine,passport details, date,etc on the more official travel passport. But I think that paper you get after the second jab is fine for domestic travel and eating at restaurants in Bangkok.
  10. Fatomide You can sometimes buy it over the counter in Pattaya, Bangkok, etc. The "Bangkok" private hospitals located all over Thailand sell them at around 5 baht a tablet. You can show them this picture.
  11. For your phone? Not much coverage. I wouldn't pay much extra for a year or two.
  12. I did the same with Udon Thani Bangkok Hospital. They are refunding a portion. Maybe double check. I think the government made them by putting a ceiling on how much extra they could charge.
  13. I'm thinking of doing the same. What facility? I got a call and went the next day in Khon Kaen and all the slots were sold out.
  14. Bring back Shinawatra*s. Anything is better than these clowns. Anyone who believes that this junta is better than than the previous government that was elected by the people needs his head examined. Then brought to the gallows.
  15. You can do some research and see where more than half that tax goes.
  16. They always have their hand in the till. Thankfully the sellers will find ways around this money grab. I find online shopping to be much cheaper and convenient. I don't think its fair that just two families own 7/11, Makro, Big C, and Tesco. No competition. In other countries they call that a monopoly.
  17. "Fragile economy “The baht’s slide reflects the dichotomy of the Thai economic recovery and the US economic recovery. The outbreak of the delta variant without sufficient vaccination equates to lockdowns which make economic activity very difficult," https://www.thaipbsworld.com/weaker-baht-may-not-help-economy-if-covid-not-contained/
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