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Everything posted by MrJ2U

  1. Thailand is so much better without the hordes of Chinese zero dollar gruff. Only two people make any money from these groups. The Chinese and the Chinese.
  2. I would tell her to say "No". Then I'd probably give her the silent treatment for 2 days and no sex for one week.
  3. "Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‑CoV‑2),[2] also known as the coronavirus, is the virus that causes COVID-19" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome_coronavirus_2#:~:text=On 11 February 2020%2C,CoV-2).
  4. I know parts of Lao are on strict lockdown. One person per household is allowed to leave the house twice a day to buy or get essentials per family. I believe they put most of the blame on Thai people entering illegally. Nice to hear the shoe in the other foot. I don't think it'll open until after January at the earliest.
  5. I got the Pfeizer. Still waiting for Moderna for my wife and Yai.
  6. I found this interesting about breakthrough with the Pfeizer and Moderna: Moderna seemed much better at containing the Delta variant than Pfeizer. "That study found the risk of suffering a breakthrough COVID-19 infection with the delta variant after being fully vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine may be much lower than the risk for those who received the Pfizer vaccine." https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/coronavirus/moderna-vs-pfizer-is-one-vaccine-stronger-against-delta-variant/2603249/
  7. Interesting. I guess Moderna wasn't in that study.
  8. Reassuring report. Nothing on the two Chinese vaccines. Transparency is so important for confidence. Yet, once again theres really not much in studies (peer reviewed) with the Delta variant despite its wide use in poor countries. Thats worrisome as WHO is buying over 100 million doses to deliver to poorer countries, including Thailand.
  9. What a clown. I'm sure the "Netcitizens" enjoyed that! Theres one thing Thais don't like more than the government is the police.
  10. If its a Thai run hotel expect the run a round and "No refunds mister". Respectable hotels run by the Minor group, Marriott's, Hilton,ect. Expect upgrades and free add ons like drinks and dinners. There going to be happy to have spending customers! Its still 2 weeks away. Plenty of time for another wave. Be prepared for anything.
  11. "Fake News! MoPH says mRNA vax is not radioactive!" I think this is all put out by the government. there's such high demand for the Pfeizer they will be out of it this month. The news I'm hearing is nobody wants the Sinovac. There is plenty of it about to expire.
  12. I think its more reservoir control. Two successive drought years have led to them storing more water in reservoirs than is recommended for time of year. I live in the North East and yes, there's been rain but not enough to cause these dams to overflow. Even the large river (Songkram) have been going does the last few weeks. Meekong is lower than usual also. Its a gamble that hasn't paid off.
  13. There were 3,000 severe cases reported today in Thailand. Those mild cases can infect the next person who may need to be hospitalized. https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thai-rural-doctors-society-claims-covid-19-infections-are-rising-not-falling/
  14. Definitely. Vaccines are proven to reduce the spread and mitigate new strains. Its heading that way everywhere. Antivaxers will find themselves stuck in there parents basement ordering Grab.
  15. I don't think the government has a choice. The people with all the money and hotels have got him on a short leash. Hope its a massive fail. I'm enjoying the great rates and secluded beaches. Nice to see the junta squirm around also. Blaming everyone but themselves for the coming 4th wave.
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