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Posts posted by MrJ2U

  1. 6 hours ago, kynikoi said:

    Wife says reports are young people giving themselves covid and demanding the 100k payout. Ah, Thailand...


    The gaming aside the company should never assume more risk than it can manage. Further, no underwriter? Boo hoo. It's really just fraud then isn't it? I'd have some sympathy if money was returned fully in two business weeks but I doubt any will be returned at all. Ah, Thailand.

    I doubt many are infecting themselves.  That was one of the excuses the insurance companies were using to not pay out.


    Like you said, insurance companies shouldn't take  more risk than they can absorb.



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  2. Just now, jerrymahoney said:

    You can assume all you want. You don't know many medical workers in total were vaccinated. You don't know if all proper procedures were followed. You don't know if they were dealing with one or more patients who falsely tested negative.


    And you can't vaccinate anybody with a vaccine you don't have.

    Front line workers were vaccinated with that junk Sinovac.



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  3. 4 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    So exactly 72 hours from the time we walked in and took our tests on Wednesday at PCT, we finally got the results back.  Our tests thankfully were negative, but the delay in notifications is what bothers me as far as others who test and may be positive, but during those 3 days those people could be running around infecting others.  This also may be the delay in the daily numbers as well being posted in a timely manner.  The Cases listed today could be from tests three days ago or even sooner if they were done by VIP service.  Therein also lies the inequity for those that can pay and those that can not.  Hope everyone stays safe.  For the first time in 3 days we will head out for a walk outside and maybe around Lumpini park, of course masked up as always.

    That sure is a long time!

    Did they mention that it would take that long?


  4. 15 minutes ago, RJRS1301 said:


    If you read my post I said, mix Pfizzer/Moderna Pfizzer/AZ, never mentioned they had mixed Sinovac in EU, as it is not used there anywhere, but there is a lab study with Sino/.Pfizzzer mix. Sinovac looses efficacy after 40 days, 

    Indonesia is in terrible state with the death/infection rates out of control, and medical staff dying after vaccinations, so guess they are hoping for the best.


    Fair enough.

  5. 13 minutes ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Yes, I read the links. Did you read (and understand) my reply?


    You asked if there is a scientific basis. My reply alludes to the fact that the principle of heterologous prime-boost has been established by its use with previous vaccines and that there are also positive indications regarding Covid vaccines.


    It doesn't provide direct, incontrovertible evidence that a heterologous prime-boost can be effective, but it does provide a scientific basis for the idea.


    See also the article below. Not only does it make specific reference to SinoVac in a heterologous prime-boost regimen, it also states the general principle that:


    "Different types of vaccines boost the immune system in different ways, so multiple vaccines provide broader coverage." 


    Is Mixing Vaccines More Effective?


  6. 4 hours ago, RJRS1301 said:

    Many of the medical personnel who have contracted COVID in Indonesia and died were double dosed on Sinovac,  there are several  million donated Moderna from USA , which will be used to as boosters to protect those on the overwhelmed front line.

    The booster dose has been effective in slowing the Delta strain, backed by studies in EU


    The WHO doesn't recommend mix and matching Because of lack of data.


    What studies in the EU have used Sinovac and then a booster of Astra Zeneca.  EU hasn't even approved Sinovac while many EU countries are abandoning Astra Zeneca altogether.

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