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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. This is not true. Second that, what he said is complete cobblers.
  2. No, it is not the responsibility of the police "to remove all drivers breaking the law from the highways", very few offences have the penalty of "removing the driver" from the road.
  3. Yes, BAC limit is 0.05% (50 milligrams in 100 millilitres of blood)
  4. Can't see how that would ever be an advantage but there is always the guaranteed three-holer Filipina girl advantage (if the hideous accent can be tolerated).
  5. Having such a great debauched time with "your friend", the beer and tatted slags all over you yet you still can post constantly here?
  6. He's not on a "policeman's salary", he is on a Deputy Commander of the RTP's salary and he has an extremely wealthy family.
  7. How does that comment relate to Surachate as he is not a criminal?
  8. The point was to check the date of closing for Songkran...
  9. "Transplantations"? Sounds like cross-dressing pieces of agricultural land.
  10. Doncha ? is that Russian Lou ... not Scouse ? No idea, I'm neither Russian, nor Scouse but it is an informal English language term, something you wouldn't understand.
  11. Doncha just love people who refer to themselves in the third person?
  12. "So what is going on with recent 'Russian bashing' on this site?" You mean the Russian-bashing that you're part of, Professor?... "The recent scurrilous-provoking behaviour by a peroxide blond..." What has her hair colour (and whether it is natural or not) got to do with anything?
  13. What difference does the pilot's sex make?
  14. And you know that the article wasn't accurately reported how?
  15. stop being a <deleted> all your life... clearly the friends had the pigs involved. They said that they tracked him, <deleted>, to use your uncalled-for term.
  16. I reckon the pigs prolly got onto mobile service provider and got em to ping his phone or some <deleted>. "Police officers and railway authorities set out a search party for Ryan but could not locate him. The friends tracked his last known location near Klong Bang Tarn Station..." So the friends must have been lying? Wonder why?
  17. If the leg injury was so severe that he was bleeding to death, he'd probably have have been unconscious in a few seconds due to the lack of. blood/oxygen flow to his brain.
  18. What does that mean? How do third parties track their friend's phone "using its signal" without uploading some kind of spy app? If I call a mate, there's no indication shown to me of his whereabouts.
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