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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Only if the car is bought without the registration book. If it's financed the finance company has the book.
  2. No I don't. I don't owe you anything. Do your own research. The evidence isn't too hard to find. I didn't say that you owed me anything just that without any back up your claim has no credibility. If you had anything, you'd have posted it as it's "not hard to find"!
  3. Toms are better educated and have better jobs than girls? Where did you pull that from?
  4. Yes. It attracts a disproportionate number of dodgy fintech companies. You'd need to back that with something empirical for it to have any credibility.
  5. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't see what difference sending a letter during Covid can make compared to now. Logistics.
  6. Is Lithuania noted for its adverse financial services or lax regulation, then?
  7. Obviously, more than enough, otherwise there be no demand for franchises!
  8. Obviously the "journey" was necessary otherwise it wouldn't have been undertaken but what "journey" does it take to get to a 7-11? I'd guess that the average person could, very comfortably, stroll down to a 7-11 without breaking a sweat, never mind "making a journey" of it.
  9. "...people here make it sound like it was a mistake to buy that hybrid...". ..In his case it clearly was, hence the thread! "It doesn't matter. It's a question of convenience". Bearing in mind the lack of convenience he has experienced, it clearly does matter!
  10. They'll be so terribly devastated by that loss, init.
  11. Revolut is licenced as a bank elsewhere. The UK's not the be-all and end-all of everything.
  12. 'Kin 'ell. if she was so bad why would she be risking that exposure by putting herself in the spotlight?
  13. There was no suggestion whatsoever that she is a loan shark. Not wanting to be cynical but what the fck is "Sinicism"? What is the relevance to the OP of the effects of kratom?
  14. Why do you doubt it when it was specifically stated that she did and returned title deed security to the debtors? What basis do you have to doubt the report?
  15. They're all bent, even a pendant apologist like you knows that. I understand Transam he has family that he is trying to justify but you would argue night is day just to have something to argue about! Would I...just for the argument? Really? Doubtless you can point out specifically what has been objectively inaccurate about any of my posts on this thread. then?
  16. Who accepts this as a good indication ? The industry.
  17. Sorry, I applied from your ad at the top of the page a few days ago. Don't you get commission from those applications also?
  18. Accounts are available, with a virtual card, without a UK address, they just asked for a post code, nothing else.
  19. No idea to whom your OCD remark was referring but, until recently Revolut was not available from Thailand. I opened my new Revolut account, from Thailand, a few days ago after their ad started appearing here. Starting with a Thai phone number, I confirmed I am British and the process went on to ask only for a UK post code. I haven't had any UK address for 30 years so inputted an old post code (that no longer shows any connection to me) and my new basic account with a virtual card was approved.
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