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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Some posters need to read the OP!... "General Surachate vehemently denies any involvement with online gambling networks. Speaking to reporters on Thursday, he made it clear that no charges have been laid against him. This comes despite rumours swirling earlier in the week".
  2. Where has it been reported that he was able to do that only on a police officer's salary?
  3. No, the real mystery is what you think he has been "caught at"? He's not been charged with anything.
  4. You must have some statistics to show your research, yes? Or are you just "thinking about" that?
  5. Yes, but no more laughable than what happens in your own country's police force.
  6. How about some clarity with your accusations and bizarre analogy? What has Surachate been charged with? Joe Ferrari's involvement with the murder was videoed, he was charged, prosecuted, found guilty and jailed.
  7. Do they? Who are "these guys"? Of course, "back home" no one repairs written-off cars for resale, do they, whereas practically every used car dealer in Thailand does? Load of old urban myth b0llocks.
  8. Well lou with a name like "Joey Mac" it could be somewhere we both know I don't think that our forum names are any indication of our roots.
  9. Thailand's reputation or general political stance is irrelevant in this case; if Interpol was to be involved it would have be at the request of the Irish authorities, not Thailand. Regardless, Thailand is a member of Interpol, its requests would not be treated as unimportant.
  10. That's not at all "obvious". "Padding" suggests that he is being illegally charged for units that he has not used.
  11. Apartment blocks have the reputation of overcharging per unit, condos are usually billed directly to the owners, at government rates, from MEA or PEA.
  12. Which immaculate city do you come from that puts you in such a position to bash Bangkok so much?
  13. The headline 'Irish mobster dodges law with escape to Thailand'. I was commenting on the irony of criminals dodging the law by taking advantage of RTP's ineptitude and eye for baht. RTP supposedly applied for a red notice from Interpol. The 1st application was in Thai or bedevilled with errors. In the mean time the brat's long list of charges has been whittled down to ONE which will expire soon proving you can get away with murder (even of a policeman) if you have enough money. If he's so visible at so many races why has Interpol not picked him up? It's almost as if RTP's application never went through. "RTP supposedly applied for a red notice from Interpol". No "supposedly" about it, they did and it was issued. "...proving you can get away with murder (even of a policeman) if you have enough money". Gawd...Vorayuth has an outstanding reckless driving traffic offence to answer, not a murder charge. "If he's so visible at so many races why has Interpol not picked him up?" Interpol does not pick up anyone, Interpol is not a police force, it is an inter-governmental organisation and he is not wanted, nor has committed any offences in any of those countries. Interpol provides advices to member police forces and those agencies decide who gets arrested in their respective countries. Red Notices are advisories, not demands or instructions.
  14. How does the BMW with its fancy camera detect an overstayer? I've no idea, technology, perhaps, but why would "the BMW with its fancy camera" have any interest in him?
  15. Time for Sky News, et al, to remove the "schoolgirl" references from these sympathy-grabbing reports, she's a woman, she hasn't been a schoolgirl for the best part of ten years.
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