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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. No, but there is generally one that says you should be on topic. So, if this thread discuss a 13 year old boys death, it´s just silly to post such comments. Transam did not make any off-topic comment, he simply reacted to your comment...he is entitled to do that.
  2. Yes really and I stand by my statement. How many stories have you seen on here or in the news where banks wash their hands of situations like this. They are countless. Do you have personal experience of such a thing happening? Of all the "countless" examples of Thai banks "washing their hands of" customers whose accounts were fraudulently attacked, with no input from the customer as per the OP that you claim to be aware of, could you specify evidence of just one? One of my own accounts was attacked similarly to the OP (Kasikorn) and the bank ensured that I was not one baht out of pocket after the fraudulent transaction was noticed.
  3. "...any other suggestions on what else I can do to boost my confidence with this plan?". Here's one, statistics show that in the region of 90%+ of all health insurance claims are paid out. No reason for IMG to be a bad claim payer. They're regulated also!
  4. Fact? What are you talking about? He is not on bail. Correction: I see he is! My apologies.
  5. What the <deleted> is that supposed to mean, are you threatening me?
  6. You may want to do some reading yourself. What criminality has Trump been convicted of? Your hearsay is b0llocks...name the conviction.
  7. This is what will happen.. "We are urgently investigating all affected transactions. Any transactions not initiated by the cardholder and verified will be refunded within 5 business days".
  8. Really?... "We are urgently investigating all affected transactions. Any transactions not initiated by the cardholder and verified will be refunded within 5 business days".
  9. He has not been convicted of any criminal offence, so he's not a criminal and he has never, with serious intentions, said that he "wants to turn the US into a dictatorship".
  10. I better watch paint dry.. Your best talent, I'm guessng.
  11. "Dribble" comes from the dogs. Drivel comes from people writing or speaking about it.
  12. "After a few hours of tattooing, she felt sore and wanted to stop the process. The artist asked her to continue and gave her two pills. She took them, thinking they were painkillers, but the medicine put her to sleep ...She insisted that it was not an accident because she felt he was touching her nipples".
  13. Yes, nothing about that was mentioned, so why did you mention it?
  14. So what? That's his prerogative. - is there a rule that states posts have to comply with your "remarkably high" standards or requirements?
  15. For me no, he keeps his todger in his trousers at all times, is not foolish enough to spend most of his time and money on court appearances, he does dye his face a strange colour or wear a wig, and most certainly does not entertain folk in the White House on Big Macs......😉 "...he does dye his face a strange colour...". Really? Biden dyes his face a strange colour? What? He doesn't wear a wig because of all his hair plugs over the last 40 or 50 years! Don't think Trumps wears a wig, though, either. I doubt that Trump entertains visitors with Big Macs anymore than Biden entertains his visitors on chocolate chip ice cream!
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