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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Thai citizenship costs 5,000 baht application fee and 500 baht for the fingerprints. The ID card comes free I think. Ok, now I understand, you applied for and were granted Thai citizenship after the normal procedure, you did not just "buy it" for B5,500 as he ridiculously suggested. Appreciate the clarification.
  2. What???? Don't believe that for a minute. I bet you either work or used to work in insurance. You're right, as I have posted previously, part of my career was in insurance, for a large insurer and as an untied broker, that's how I know what I am talking about. The figures that I quote are accurate; insurance claims statistics are widely available for those who care to look (most don't want to) but it's funny how all those who dispute the available statistics can't ever come up with opposing statistics to back their cynicism - hearsay and anecdotal tales are not stats representative of the whole industry. If the figures were the other way around, 90% denied and 10% paid, as most AN poster like to fantasise, there would, obviously, be no insurance industry as no one would ever buy any policy.
  3. Hardly surprising that that some of that minority 10% or so requested investigations. The other 90% obviously would have no reason to request investigations!
  4. What does that mean? Why would any country want to buy anything that has the least availability of spare parts?
  5. Excuse me. What do you mean with this post. I just posted my opinion. If you agree you can say that. No need to sound like I want everyone to listen and heed. Even if English isn't your first language I'm sure that you know how to search the meaning of "Hear, hear!" on the internet. There's no need for you to give me instructions on how to respond to your posts that are based on your misunderstanding of the usage of a very common English language expression.
  6. Of course, there are other things needed like passing a Thai culture test. I was just saying that as someone said I bought it, this is the fee. You've got me...what exactly was it that you got for B5,500 that included a Thai ID card to which BenStark initially referenced?
  7. Not with SCB I assure you What are you "assuring" me of? SCB has a fee of "50 baht/month upon no account movement for 12 consecutive months and account balance ≤ 2,000 baht". https://www.scb.co.th/en/personal-banking/faq/deposit-faq.html#:~:text=How much are account maintenance,account balance ≤ 2%2C000 baht
  8. Who said he was? The certain amount of delight and sarcasm suggested that implication.
  9. Never mind. All PayPal and eBay and ... are beautiful. There you go, I didn't think that you'd have anything about eBay.
  10. Don't want to piss on everyone's cornflakes but I'm pretty sure that being presumed innocent until proven guilty applies in Thailand, Asean Now Thai-bashers notwithstanding.
  11. I have that guy on ignore, can't remember why but probably sill posts like that. I paid 5,500 baht to get my Thai ID. There must have been more to it than just buying a legitimate Thai ID card for B5,500 or we'd all be doing it!
  12. Krungsri saving accounts do not get closed or attract maintenance fees until the balance falls below B2,000 and there are no transactions for 12 months. Then their monthly maintenance fee applies until the balance falls to nil at which stage the account is closed.
  13. Dormant balances are transferred to the BoT but can always be recovered with suitable ID, passbook, etc., they are not necessarily lost.
  14. They all do but only on small balances, usually under B2000, with no transactions for 12 consecutive months.
  15. Anyone who wants to; not everyone whom I want to message has messaging apps.
  16. Buy a basic B49 SIM (Dtac or True) from any 7-11, put credit on it then SMS and call to your heart's delight.
  17. You are a not a Thai, you have paid for a Thai ID. For the benefit of the rest of us, could you enlarge on that assertion?
  18. I don't really like my post chopped...........🥴 But that's what can happen when someone wants to respond to only one relevant part of a comment!
  19. What headaches are there when buying from eBay from Thailand?
  20. I do, to those I know, and those who greet me with a Wai Me too, but the OP is referring to forcibly interacting with strangers!
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