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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. I am absolutely not saying that! It was sarcasm, with a bit of humor to boot! Well, as long as it was 'to boot', that's ok!
  2. I know that the RTP can ID anyone at anytime at their discretion. In my case I wasn't wearing a helmet, that made it legal, although they had no interest in that, even though they'd seen the win hand me a helmet in a panic. I know that any police officer can ask to check passports.
  3. Are you sure about that ? Absolutely. I've been stopped on a bike taxi at Asok junction and asked to produce my passport at a (non-Immigration) police checkpoint. IB officers are RTP officers, police are police.
  4. No, I don't, but it's just that the number of your posts is very high compared to anyone else's Clearly, very clearly, you do; you obviously went to my profile to check me out specifically, if you hadn't you would not have made such specific points about me.
  5. "Normal" agents do not provide Elite visas, only Thailand Privilege Card authorised representatives can provide them and, if he had the required funds and no previous record of overstay, he wouldn't need an agent. I suppose that if he was liquid enough for an Elite visa he could soon be enjoying a negotiated release.
  6. Any reason that a 10-day overstayer should have been allowed to remain here illegally if there hadn't been a "computer error"?
  7. He's not harming anyone but one doesn't have to harm others to commit criminal offences. In isolation, a 15-day overstay does just as much harm as a 1,500-day overstay.
  8. What was the "scam" that he thinks he fell victim to? Did he pay an agent for an extension or change of visa? What is happening to him now, detention, deportation, court, maybe a deal?
  9. Maybe he can't read the permission to stay date clearly stamped in his passport? If he had bothered to read it he would not even have been on a one-day overstay!
  10. He wouldn't have to pay "triple price air fare" if he had been here legally.
  11. You seriously think that those foreigners with no permission to be here, regardless of the length of time, should not be arrested and dealt with? What do think should happen to them when discovered, told "Tut, tut, overstay, never mind, off you go" so that there would be no need for anyone to ever get a visa/extension? Perhaps your rationalisation is that those on overstay should be left alone with no consequences and those legal foreigners who do renew their extensions should just have to get on with it?
  12. No one is assumed guilty, but, yes, the police do have the right to ask any foreigner to produce his permission to stay but, having said that, the latter is very likely to be the case if the IB's systems didn't let them know.
  13. "Unnecessary unfortunate start on his plan to migrate here". Absolutely. He actually ducked himself over by overstaying, no way he could have made that situation into a long stay on his own. And it doesn't make any difference who, if anyone, blew the whistle on him, an overstay is an overstay if there's no agent involved.
  14. Are you suggesting that there's something wrong with upholding the law?
  15. Who's got 1.5m posts and what does "ad nausea" [sic, ironically] mean? Gratuitous over-exaggeration, ad nauseam.
  16. You're lying, you have not been arrested for giving away old clothes.
  17. What makes you think that won't happen? A fine and deportation, I mean.
  18. Absolutely right it's unfair, he has no right to have any overstay at all, unfair to the rest of us.
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