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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Old visa information is entered in new UK passports, I know this because my current passport has the first page-and-a-bit filled with the old visa details, courtesy of Immigration.
  2. That's odd, when my UK passport was renewed the Thai visa information was transferred into the new one so that I did not have to carry both.
  3. Passport about to expire. You omitted the "not" from the title!
  4. What do drinkers think? Oh, that's right, they don't. Find a "drinker" and ask him.
  5. I agree, Bangkok also. The potheads think that it's "cool" and that it gives those poor, deluded souls "street cred", though!
  6. ...and besides that 43 offences of which ??? 43 victims?? I've no idea how many victims there were, what does that matter? It's not relevant to the charges of which there were 43, or 25 depending on which publication is read, and the punishment.
  7. sure ...read the article of Joe Ferrari... Why, what are you disputing about what I said about Joe Ferarri?
  8. 25 offences (43 according to the Bangkok Post) sounds pretty heavy also. Same procedure is used worldwide, commit more criminal offences and get more jail time, seems logical to me.
  9. Nonsense, Joe Ferrari got life in prison, this guy got 20 years for 25 separate offences (43 offences according to the Bangkok Post). Who has had a less severe punishment for 25 murders?
  10. Except for Mr Derek Huh? His view is definitely not that the roads are safe!
  11. I do say so and kindly quit stalking me with haha emoticons. Don't flatter yourself, I'm not stalking you and the emoticons are, obviously, there to be used, just as you so frequently do. I'm surprised that you have any concern about what opinion emoticons some inconsequential poster uses. I notice that you don't accuse me of stalking you when I use the "Like, Thumbs-up, Love It or Thanks" emoticons! Selective accusations of stalking.
  12. I think his concern is valid.... I agree that his concern is valid, I just think that he should keep it to himself as the risk to her, statistically, is minute.
  13. Not one poster has said, or even suggested, that is the case, not one.
  14. You volunteered to live here, and marry a Thai, correct?
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