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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Odd how you think that anyone would have any interest in knowing that.
  2. What is hilarious is when a guy writes he goes to NANA but then he actually sits at the entrance and watches other guys walking by with NANA girls. Exactly, taking the p_iss out of people when he's, more likely than not, done exactly the same thing!
  3. Both Taksins i believe were convicted in absentia...so why can't boss moron be convicted same way....never mind i already know he is "different" . You're right, he is different, in absentia trials in Thailand only apply to politicians.
  4. "Please no doom and gloom". You may want to read your own thread title!
  5. Perhaps he's a friend doing nothing more than accompanying her to the police station?
  6. Why, how would that ever be any of anyone else's business? Just because it has, allegedly, been stolen you want to know where it came from?
  7. No there is not. Which is why I suspect the scum has not been arrested by UK police if he is there as suspected and stated in the OP. Yes, there is. It has been confirmed many times. Just because you cannot access it does not mean that a notice is not in force. The UK (or any other police force) does not have to act on Interpol notices, they are just advisory notices to member police forces, they can be ignored if that police force chooses to.
  8. There is, it has been shown in the past. It has also been explained many times by Interpol that there are thousands of notices in existence but they are not all shown on the publicly accessible website.
  9. "...a cushy cell full of all the perks your stinking money can buy". Doesn't happen in Thai prisons, that's just a Thaivisa Forum Members' myth.
  10. Just the same as many other countries' legal systems, not at all unusual.
  11. Thaksin's been convicted, there can't be, and there's no need for, statutes of limitations after conviction.
  12. A number of posters should pay close attention to that confirmation.
  13. I wonder if the committee considered the fact that the RTP have no jurisdiction anywhere except Thailand? If they found him there'd be nothing they could do without the cooperation of the other country's authorities.
  14. In this case, though, the police agreed to his lawyer's many requests to postpone that meeting up until he left the country.
  15. Total nonsense. She just wants the car to be hers as it would be doing it her way.
  16. Boss, is that you? Ahem, The legal basis for a Red Notice is an arrest warrant or court order issued by the judicial authorities in the country concerned. Many of our member countries consider a Red Notice to be a valid request for provisional arrest. https://www.interpol.int Ahem, what's your point? RTP have issued an arrest warrant for Vorayuth and, as that quote states, a Red Notice is a request to member police forces for consideration. It is not an instruction and certainly not a warrant. Interpol has also confirmed that a Red Notice was issued for him.
  17. Extradition does not require Interpol's involvement, all it need is the agreement of the two countries concerned and, even if it does get involved the notices are just advices, not instructions, not warrants. A Red Notice has been issued for Vorayuth, it has been shown in the past and Interpol has also explained why the majority of notices don't appear on the publicly accessible website. "Are you on Red Bull’s payroll? Trying your best to turn the repulsive into acceptable?" I should just treat that comment with the contempt it deserves, instead I'll tell you that the reason I comment on this subject is because so many posts are just plain wrong. You have a problem with other members posting their opinions and pointing out fallacies?
  18. From their website (didn't you look?)... " In accordance with the directives set by the Civil Aviation Authority of Thailand, masks must be worn at all times on board our flights and at Thai Airports, and the use of face masks with ventilation valves is not permitted". https://www.thaiairways.com/en_GB/plan/travel_information/travel_requirements.page#:~:text=In accordance with the directives,covering when flying with us. Food, service, that's subjective, there'll be people commenting here that it's all <deleted> just because it's a Thai entity!
  19. Where is the RED notice? If you search Interpol its not there, you have evidence to the contrary? Regarding the passport you are correct, but you didn't show my full post. "However in a 'real' country he would have been arrested and passport taken. Then when he obtained a false passport and left, a real country would have Interpol issue a Red notice. But look what happened!" My point being he wasn't processed by the RTP correctly, if he had maybe all this may not happened? Big IF? Interpol has confirmed in the past that the Red Notice for him was issued and they showed it. They also said that they do not show all of the thousands of notices that have been issued (in the region of 8,500 at the time) on the publicly accessible website. There is no need for them to do that as member police forces do not get their Interpol data/information regarding those Notices from a public website. At the time he left the country he hadn't been served with the arrest warrant that's why he hadn't been arrested again after being released following the initial arrest immediately after the accident. He left on his Thai passport, that was widely reported, as was the subsequent revocation of that passport. There have been no reports of him using a false passport as you keep asserting. Reports assumed that he must be travelling on a passport issued by another country, that would be a real passport, not a fake one.
  20. Ok, ok, I misinterpreted your comment, calm your pants, geez, you're right, I agree with you on that. This is a 'kin forum, I can respond to whichever posts I choose, that's it's only reason to exist, and if there wasn't such "a flurry", as you put it, of nonsensical, ill-informed posts that are crying out for a rational response maybe I wouldn't respond to so many!
  21. Rule of law would implement an actual effort to extradite the creep. Rule of law would include an actual Interpol red notice (never really happened here for “some reason”), rule of law would indict those aiding and abetting his flight from Justice too. Extradition relies on the co-operation of the country he is in, it's out of the control of the RTP and for extradition to even be considered the Thai authorities have to advise the exact address at which he is living in that country. A Red Notice has been issued by Interpol, it was shown in the media some time ago and the subject has been discussed ad nauseum. Who, if anyone, specifically "aided and abetted his flight from justice" and do you know what constitutes that in this country? He, apparently, just got on a plane and left the country before he was served with an arrest warrant.
  22. 37 is middle aged ? If death occurs at 74, yes. A kid sure isn't 37, though.
  23. Yes, Interpol does issue the notices, that's why they are called "Interpol" notices but they may be issued by Interpol at the request of a member police force. There was a Red Notice issued for Vorayuth, it was shown in the media. The reason that it's not seen on the public website is that there are thousands. (8,000+) of notices currently in force and they aren't all shown on that website, Interpol has explained that on a few occasions. Police forces do not need a public website to get their information. Interpol notices are advisories to member forces they are not instructions to apprehend, neither are they warrants, to act on them or ignore them is up to the member police forces.
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