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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Did you not read the whole OP? "Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt told Thai PBS that he understands the SRT’s concerns, adding that he will try to find a new location for the screening..."
  2. Learning not to click. But don’t rush into that. Start with learning not to respond. Then you won’t get fatuous comments like this one. That has no relevance to my question to the OP.
  3. How about getting an international money order in your own country and posting it EMS?
  4. Jesus Christ...you think that clicking on your posts is a crucial part of the learning process? Which "learning process"?
  5. This is all getting very childish and argumentative! Well, who started it?!... "You know what they say about sarcasm - the lowest form of wit - you being a Scouser should understand that!"
  6. What's so "interesting" about it, why should you have access to something that you haven't paid for and for which the driver is responsible for collecting payment for? COD is not an option to reject an item before paying for it anywhere.
  7. By the same logic, i.e. none, your name should be "Little Sambum", like it or not! Assume what you like from my name here but why not assume that I'm a singer or that I played in Blind Faith's opening act in 1969?
  8. It does in most countries but only if they are 6 months or less in age So what? Oher countries' Customs laws are 100% irrelevant here.
  9. My you are very stubborn. Post that statement from Lazada. Has anyone on this forum ever paid 1 baht for VAT and import duties on Lazada purchases? Step up. No, I'm not being stubborn, I'm responding because I'm correct. "Stubborn" suggests that there is evidence that I'm wrong, there isn't and I'm not. You're the one that made the initial claim that all Lazada purchases are duty/VAT exempt, not me, so it's you that has the obligation to "step up" and justify your claim. My proving a negative by providing evidence for something that does not exist is not the way it works. Nowhere on Lazada's site does it state that all oversea purchases are free of taxes. If that was the case it would be splashed all over their site as something no other site could offer and a huge benefit to buyers...but, oddly, it isn't. Just because a Lazada item is not selected for examination coming into the country does not mean that it's duty exempt, Thai Customs are not able to check every item coming in by post.
  10. You think that there is only one Liverpool? Do you also think that analysing forum names makes any sense, sambum?!
  11. I know. We're at cross purposes, toofarnorth posted... "How can you crank the engine with no battery power?". You responded, "Dynamo or alternator". Alternators don't crank engines that's the point I was trying to make.
  12. It's curious that this car with the dead battery still has electric windows that operate, before the dubious rope yank.
  13. or maybe his mate, ducked down out of sight of the camera, is using the ignition key!
  14. Do they ask for an email address on the licence application document or the car registration docs? I can't remember.
  15. As the OP stated, if the fine is not paid, whether it was received or (allegedly) not received (but registered mail does need to be signed for) then a summons will be issued, then a 2nd, then an arrest warrant. Loads of warnings.
  16. Why can you start a bike or a geared car then with a flat battery. Because the crank is turned by the action of the push start. Generators or alternators don't turn the engine.
  17. It's not ok to vape anything in Thailand, it's illegal, the article does not claim that vaping marijuana is permitted.
  18. Dynamo or these days alternator. Generators/alternators cannot turn over an engine without battery power.
  19. A driving licence (Thai or foreign) is not a requirement to buy and/or register a vehicle in Thailand.
  20. Ah, no. It's 100% true. No, it is not true. The prices quoted by all vendors on Lazada do not cover potential import duty and VAT levied by Thailand on certain items.
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