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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Your story doesn't quite seem right. Why would the foreign owner leave his bike unsecured and accessible to anyone for many months and why would you make modifications to "her" bike? Regardless, what's the problem? All you did was rent a bike from her, the foreign owner's problem should be with her, not you.
  2. What are you talking about? The head office clearly said that insurance is not needed to open an account. That's right, it's not required, but up-selling the bank's products, that the staff and branch have targets for, is not forbidden, either. it's necessary.
  3. Yeah, right, 'course they got a "good scolding". How would you know, where you privy to that "good scolding"?
  4. Maybe that's why the branch manager had to apologize to me too, in addition to the employee involved. I'm not doubting all of what you say but your claim that the up-selling of authorised bank products was "corruption" doesn't do your credibility much good. They may have offered to open the account for you but I doubt that both the manager and the clerk were forced to apologise to you for a normal branch procedure in the obsequious manner that the tone of your comment suggests they had to.
  5. The information shown on the website is clearly the minimum to open an account. If the staff were not under a certain amount of pressure (targets and financial benefit) to up-sell officially, they wouldn't do it, neither would those BBL product be available. Local branch managers are given the discretion to open new accounts as they seem fit for their branch, using official BBL products as incentives from which both the staff and the branch benefit. All the branches/staff have targets relating to products promoted by the bank.
  6. Why doesn't my Bkk bk book show it when I update my bank book, it shows other charges. ? Because the DWP credit has the charge taken from the pension transfer before it hits your account. There is no withdrawal of the charge to be made from your account. The SMS reads "DWP has transferred B999,900 (B1,000,000 less B100)".
  7. Nope....But, bank SMS does not deal with cash movements under 500bht, so not totally sure, but I am sure that when I get statements there are no 100bht withdrawals... I'm not saying that there is any B100 withdrawal, there isn't, I'm saying that my DWP transfer has B100 deducted from it before it is credited to my BBL account and the bank's SMS every four weeks specifically states that. The SMS reads... "DWP has transferred B999,900 (B1,000,000 less B100)".
  8. They may offer insurance, but when they make it compulsory - that's corruption and violation of the bank's regulation. That's why the head office's reaction was prompt and ruthless. No that does not constitute corruption (an illegal action) on the part of the bank's staff. The procedure that that employee followed may have been implemented locally under the authority of the local branch manager, giving the employee no choice. I'd be interested in which bank "regulation was violated", can you quote that official regulation?
  9. I guess OP is a decent human being, so is going to assist him. I'm sure that he is decent but, no, he won't be assisting him in the manner needed because he cannot. Unless he returns to Thailand (and he has specifically stated that he won't be doing that,) he cannot provide the required residence document.
  10. Thanks, I did just work out how to do it. Five minutes later there's six months' statements in my inbox.
  11. I can't find that on my BBL app, what do I need to click on to order statements in the phone app?
  12. Same here but every 4-week's SMS from BBL advises me of a B100 deduction, eg., "DWP has transferred B999,900 (B1,000,000 less B100") surely you must get that deduction also?
  13. Not just "leaders" in Thailand. Thai politicians don't have the monopoly on that, do they Britons, Americans and citizens of every country in Europe?
  14. Section 18 The competent official shall have power to inspect persons entering into or leaving the Kingdom, In light of this provision, persons entering into or departing from the Kingdom must submit a list of items as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations, and must be inspected and approval by the competent official assigned to the Immigration check point.
  15. I doubt that there's a used car dealer in the country who could not offer finance to a buyer, they all have access to the facility. You will probably be asked to provide evidence of income for the last three months, though.
  16. Following your absurd logic an "immigration" officer wouldn't even be responsible for us, because nearly all of us here aren't immigrants, we are non-immigrants. My absurd logic? Maybe with your logic you think that those blokes that stamp in visitors should be call "Non-Immigration Officers"?
  17. Can you quote the section of the law where it says that they have discretion? Yes, I can, the Immigration Act B.E. 2522, Section 35, for instance... "...the competent official [Immigration Officer] deputized by the Director General shall have the authority to permit the alien , who entered to stay temporarily in the Kingdom under Section 34 , to remain in the Kingdom...".
  18. The perceived ability of Thais to live on B350 a day is completely irrelevant to the subject of foreign tourists' financial requirements for entry to the country. You think that (hypothetical) visitor staying for a week and declaring, if asked, that he only had B2,450 to his name should be allowed in?
  19. There is the law that gives IOs discretion to decide who enters the country, you can tell that they are in that position from their job title, Immigration Officer".
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