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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "They" didn't shut down the park, he did (the park that he donated the use of to the public free, from which he made nothing). Then he sold the lease for a lot of money for development. Nothing to do with the police. As far as "deadening people's lives on Sukhumvit" is concerned that garden has been closed to the public for 6 years.
  2. Many Chinese (and other Asian) people have used western forenames as nicknames for donkey's years in place of their, sometimes difficult to pronounce, given names.
  3. She could have washed the bowl, after all, the food wasn't in it, the food was in a new plastic bag!
  4. it said old not chipped Read the post that I responded to! That poster referred to a chipped glass, I did not say that the bowl in the OP was chipped.
  5. As you wrote, this is a forum and forums are a means to discuss subjects and to have differing opinions and observations. If something, very clearly, inaccurate is proposed on a forum as fact, is it not ok to dispute it? Your (1%) comment did not appear to be an accurate statement to me. I have not refuted "every single post on this forum" (your words) but if every post did contain inaccuracies proffered as fact, would it not be my (and other posters') privilege to dispute them? There appear to be many members here that do not like other posters having opinions opposing theirs...or disputing their "facts". If you don't approve of my comments there is the option to report them but, don't forget, this is a forum.
  6. It's not my reading skills that need practice, far from it. You wrote that only 1% of your calls had an international prefix. In order to know that you must have answered at least 100 calls to get to the 1% (one call) statistic. If you had answered, say, only 25 calls, your 1% stat would mean that only ¼ of a call had the international prefix ((0.25%, impossible, obviously). The lowest number of calls that you must have answered to get 1% had to be 100. That's how you suggested that you had answered at least 100 calls.
  7. This thread is about SPAM CALLS, because scam call are not made through automated PBX machines, as they can't talk and answer questions the recipient has. No, it is about scam calls... "Seized were 101 IP BPX machines, wi-fi routers and one arrest was made of a manager who was charged with fraud and computer crime that would likely result in the public being defrauded ... This latest move followed eight earlier raids in Bangkok on July 6th in Bang Na, Huay Khwang and Ladprao where IP PBX devices used to defraud the public were also seized ... We advise you to put the phone down immediately" See those rather relevant words, "fraud" and "defraud" and Thaivisa's advice to immediately hang up? That's because the OP is about scam calls.
  8. Just logged in on my laptop, no issues. Same as every time.
  9. What other type of numbers are there?
  10. Call them and ask their English speaking staff 02 018 0000.
  11. I know but those unknown numbers will be calls that you are expecting, scam calls are calls that are not expected so can be ignored, unless you tend to get random, anonymous food orders and parcel deliveries! All my food, and other orders, I place myself, so I expect those unknown delivery calls.
  12. As if those spam calls don't come from local numbers. Maybe 1% of the spam calls I receive have an international prefix This thread is about scam calls, not spam calls, there's a big difference. Regardless, how many spam calls have you answered as result of which you were able to calculate that 1% had international prefixes? You're suggesting that you have answered over 100 spam calls?
  13. Here's something that you may understand, the bowl didn't have smudges and chips all over it.
  14. Yes, that was the one (the ones), ridiculous. I don't get them since I blocked them.
  15. Excellent strategy for a retired hermit, but for anyone who still works, has friends or orders things on line, it just wont work. You made exactly the same comments on a similar thread last year, not everyone lives like you, give it a rest. "...anyone who still works, has friends or orders things on line, it just wont work". Yes, it will. I know that I don't have friends calling from Fiji, Timor-Leste or a UK satellite communications company, plus my friends tell me their phone numbers, if they get a new one they message me. When I'm expecting a delivery I don't ignore local numbers, there's not many Thai delivery drivers who call from Fiji or Timor. "...not everyone lives like you, give it a rest". Ok, any other rules you'd like to think you can impose on other members? As far as "give it a rest", no, I'm good, thanks.
  16. I had one from San Salvador yelling at me in Thai! I've had calls from the Fiji code (+697), the Timor-Leste code (+670) and a code that Googles as "Immarsat" (+870), the UK satellite telecoms company.
  17. Lotus's had recently been sending me an identical SMS every day for a week or so with a survey, it's not a scam but it's bloody annoying. They show no number, either, but they can still easily be blocked via the three dots.
  18. Delivery drivers calls will always be expected and will be local numbers. the ones that are being discussed here are the unexpected scam ones, usually, with odd "international" codes.
  19. I think that this thread is aimed at personal phone users but if you put your number out there for new business, you can't expect anything else. As far as delivery drivers are concerned, they will always be local numbers and you will be expecting those calls.
  20. I find it simply automatic to look at the incoming details and then (in that one second that t takes) decide whether it needs answering.
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