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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. "...or loose it..." [sic] According to the link that is what happened, his lawyer said that the pages came out because they were loose. "...why he didn't just throw it into a washing machine..." They're Indian, what do you think the chances are of his wife not being the only one to do the laundry?!
  2. Don't think that's correct... https://www.pea.co.th/Portals/_default/Documents/Rate2015.pdf Maybe that's out of date but I can't see a more recent official one from the PEA.
  3. The link suggests the increase may be 90-100 Satang per unit. Obviously, they are not going to almost double the rate currently charged for low consumption and leave the high consumption consumers untouched!
  4. Since when was half a baht = 2 satang? Since ThailandRyan said so! He thinks that there are 10-Satang coins also.
  5. Those with low consumption are charged lower rates, I'd suggest that is one way that the low income/low users are assisted but you probably don't give a **** about that scheme's facts. Disgraceful.
  6. Unless you're royalty, your a commoner also, we all are.
  7. Haggling about legitimate finance fees after non-payment of installments is not something that is entertained by Thai finance companies/banks, neither is it "the Thai way".
  8. Trying to rationalise one country's finance agreements by introducing and relying on another country's consumer finance laws is a big mistake.
  9. Perhaps it's a vibration when the engine is running that disappears when any load is introduced by selecting D/R etc. The vibration could cause something under the car to rattle or knock against the underside/exhaust/gearbox such as a heat shield, for example. Maybe the cat is on it's way out, they can rattle when they're past their best. But, what do I know?!
  10. Is this only at the airport only? Land port? Only certain airports, I gave two links, did you not bother to read them?
  11. Not many tourists due to return home would be brave enough to do that and risk being locked up here pending a court case if they couldn't bail themselves!
  12. Once it was handed in the money wasn't "lost anyway". But you're missing the point, it wasn't "lost" it was a scam.
  13. If you're referring to VAT, yes, it would normally be included in the price shown, if the price isn't inclusive "+VAT" will be shown. VAT for tourists can be refunded at the airport when you leave the country for purchases made at participating shops that display the VAT refund sign. This includes most major department stores like Central World and brand shops. https://www.rd.go.th/english/28049.html https://www.centrepoint.com/blog/tax-refund-tips-in-thailand#:~:text=The VAT refund system for,visit while in the country.
  14. 120 baht, read again. Another pointless post from you. Read my comment again, this is the part you ignored... "...travelling internationally with less than £3/$3.3 cash on them...". Why the flame/personal attack, don't you know the rules?
  15. Impossible for anyone to know without seeing the actual policy wording unless you have posted it exactly word for word in your OP and with all the associated context. Are the policy conditions only in Thai? If they're in English, don't take your wife's word for it, with all due respect, she is not the insurer. You mentioned having an accident, is it a health insurance policy or an accident insurance policy? Why would you not want to ask the insurer (as they're the ones that will make the decision)? They cannot alter the policy conditions to deny cover, as you seem to be suggesting, just because you've asked them questions about the cover that they are contracted to provide.
  16. Trying to figure that one out. B50k...B30k...make up your mind!
  17. A lot of labour also with modern cars.
  18. That is true only for two or three specific rural banks that have accepted deposits from customers outside an area in which those deposits are permitted, it is not "a run" on Chinese banks as you seem to be suggesting.
  19. Obviously, but why are you sowing the seed that that is a likely scenario here?
  20. Don't be so hard on yourself.
  21. Can't imagine anyone travelling internationally with less than £3/$3.3 cash on them...why would you do that while only carrying a Thai ATM?
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