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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. The most publicised case in decades, it has always been a million miles away from being "hidden".
  2. Or, more accurately, deliberately contravene the Covid regulations and get arrested, just as in any other Thai city or any other country with Covid rules! "Having a beer" in Pattaya is not an offence and does not result in arrest.
  3. No, that's a gross exaggeration, one police officer died, in a traffic accident, he did not "kill several police officers". He has not "walked away" from the drug and causing death charges, they're still in force, the driving charge for a few more years.
  4. He is correct stating that Vorayuth was (probably still is) the subject of a Red Notice.
  5. There is no NCAP rating as yet. If there isn't an ANCAP rating for the Ora specifically yet, there will be when it goes on sale.
  6. If it is being sold here obviously it will have in order to meet Thai, and international (Asean NCAP) safety requirements, as their other models do. If they want any sales I can't imagine any circumstances in which it would not have been done. Edit: SAFETY LABORATORY The Great Wall Motor Safety Laboratory with advanced test capabilities started operations in April 2008 with a track length of 325 meters covering an area of 12,000 square meters.The safety laboratory covers four functional test rooms- vehicle crash test room, simulated crash test room, pedestrian protection test room and component safety test room, forming a complete passive safety performance development test system. The lab adheres to international independent innovation and development standards, and has built NCAP and C-IASI, IIHS and other insurance evaluation capabilities. The safety laboratory has completed the safety performance testing of dozens of models such as Great Wall Sedan/Pickup Series, Haval SUV Series, WEY Series, and New Energy Vehicle Series. Through the efficient integration of performance analysis and product development, we have successfully ensured that each model adheres to the highest safety standards and NCAP star goals are achieved. https://www.gwm-global.com/innovation/safety/
  7. If they do refuse because they realise that your application has already been submitted all you've got to do is get the lost licence report from your police station, it's no big deal.
  8. You've told them that you cannot produce the licence because it is in your home country so they probably have to categorise that as "lost". That's why you need a police report. Go to your local police station and report the licence lost. Problem solved. If you can start your application again that would be the way to go if reporting your "lost" licence is too much of a chore. I had an old, Thai licence, expired for maybe 10 years and, although I still had it when I decided to get legal again with a new licence, I just started from scratch with a 2-year licence without telling them about my long-expired original licence. I anticipated issues with the old one and the LTD did not bring it up from their records.
  9. I do believe you will find the headline by association, does in fact become part of the report I do believe you will find that the headline, being written by the article's publisher, does not, in fact, become part of the reported police officer's words unless the police are specifically quoted as having said those words. They weren't.
  10. Many sources if you follow the credible news outlets. https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2021/11/01/what-works-better-vaccines-or-natural-immunity/ CDC finds immunity from vaccines is more consistent than from infection, but both last at least six months Thanks for confirming that. That article did not, categorically, state that vaccination immunity is better than natural immunity! It did state this, though..."The report also notes that there is no test authorized by the Food and Drug Administration that would enable doctors and the public to reliably measure an individual’s protection from disease!.
  11. Because certain basic facets of the autistic personality are incompatible with the kind of language this person uses here. You don't need to be a psychologist or a psychiatrist, much less her (or his) therapist, to know this stuff. Ok, Doc, if you say so, you must be the expert having (not) analysed the OP. I still believe her over you, though!
  12. As I have pointed out, the language this person uses would simply not be accessible for a genuinely autistic individual. Which she (he) claims to be. I wouldn't take anything at face value that you, tactlessly, "point out" as you're neither her psychologist nor her psychiatrist.
  13. I have no reason to disbelieve her, neither do you if you don't know her!
  14. It's none of our business, anonymous or not!
  15. Because she said so in her OP. Why would you dispute that when you know nothing about her?
  16. She can't wear a mask, that's the whole point!
  17. Who has categorically stated that?
  18. We all probably do, 99% of everyone recovers!
  19. She can, Google, or just by reading the English-language Thai papers.
  20. Geez. You could have phrased that a bit more tactfully and sensitively.
  21. Such as? You can't be suggesting the most highly revered institution in Thailand, surely?
  22. You're assuming that everyone, including medical professionals, agree with the idea that masks really work. That 'consensus' is definitely not the case. To agree with many scientists is not being "delusional" or "knowing more than scientists", many of whom do not accept the effectiveness of masks as far as the transmission of Covid is concerned.
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