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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Well guess the owner may hope so, but perhaps the owner is really a finance company Even if it is financed the "owner" has to insure it, the finance company doesn't!
  2. https://www.drive.com.au/news/mercedes-benz-c300-hybrid-c350e-recalled/
  3. The UK has sanctioned a number of Russians but not this one, that's why it has not been seized...it has not been sanctioned, neither has the owner.
  4. The boat is not owned by Putin, the owner has not been accused of war crimes, neither has he or the boat been sanctioned. Refusing it entry would be evidence of absolute partisanship, not neutrality.
  5. He has not been sanctioned and his yacht has not been listed as to be seized. The article that you linked just shows a photo of the boat as one of a few owned by wealthy Russians, it does not state that he is sanctioned, that the boat is sanctioned or that it, specifically, should be seized.
  6. What are you talking about, you think that every Russian should be arrested? Has this one been sanctioned?
  7. I have proof, it's called probate. Thailand has probate laws, look them up. Nothing to do with fear mongering. If anything I have said is wrong, point it out, specifically.
  8. The "permission" ceases on your death. If the funds are accessed after your death from a sole account without informing the bank of your death, that is the illegal part. It is called theft.
  9. I'm pointing out what the law is here regarding the procedures following the death of a foreigner, nothing that I posted was inaccurate. If someone takes funds from the account of a deceased person after his death without informing the bank of the death, it is theft/fraud, it does not matter what the account holder "wanted". Even if those wishes were in a will, probate is supposed to be granted before any assets are distributed. If you disagree with the legitimacy of what I have said, you're welcome to state, specifically, where I am wrong. I'm not talking about the way some people may want to do things, I'm referring to the way they should be done to stay within the law. I'm not even sure if the direction this thread has gone, i.e. how to illegally access the assets of deceased people is allowed on this forum.
  10. That maybe so but on a practical level how would that ever be known if the death of the foreign bank account holder was never reported to the bank ? His death would be reported and it would be obvious that he must have had a bank account, normal enquiries would be made and the bank informed so that his assets could be frozen pending probate. That's how. If it was discovered that transactions had occurred after his death, theft and fraud charges could be made.
  11. The hospital where the deceased either dies or is taken after death informs the police (Immigration is a police department so nothing needs to be done in that regard. What would it matter anyway?). The police inform the Embassy, the Embassy takes it from there contacting family.
  12. A living will relates to medical treatment when you are unable to make that type of decision!
  13. Big issues to who? To whoever takes the funds illegally after his death.
  14. Unfortunately, your wishes do not overrule the probate laws. All assets should be frozen by the bank on death of the account holder, removing assets before advising authorities/banks of the death is theft and fraud. You need a lawyer who can tell you what is legal, not what could be done.
  15. A will and probate do that. Bank account assets are supposed to be frozen by the bank after being advised of the account holder's death until probate has been granted then the funds can be disbursed. The wife can't just charge in and take everything.
  16. His account does not have an ATM card but which ATMs would allow B800k to be withdrawn in one transaction, anyway?
  17. Why don't you read the OP?... "The Account is in my name only -has no debit card so bank teller withdrawals only". Regardless, your suggestion would be theft and fraud if she did it after his death.
  18. Garbage. Assets of the deceased do not just disappear but he would be dead anyway so there'd be no one to kiss it goodbye assuming your assertion had any accuracy at all.
  19. Regardless of its sort code, WIse is not a bank.
  20. Well that could explain why you've not been bothered, so far, by your bank's regulations. As an ex-Lloyds, Nat West and Citibank employee that consideration that you have wasn't extended to me.
  21. That is happening now and has been happening with most UK banks for non-residents' accounts for years, it's just that because your bank has not yet applied the rule to you (yet) as an existing customer, you have not been aware of it. Your UK banks can close your accounts anytime they choose.
  22. Not the account closures - and the ban on non-residents is only in 'recent' years. Yes, it has, for years UK banks have been closing accounts held by non-UK residents (excluding EU residents).
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