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Liverpool Lou

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Everything posted by Liverpool Lou

  1. Which is either no longer public or has been withdrawn, thus, at this moment, we don't have any definitive proof that there is a red notice out for Boss Red Bull. No one has to give "us" definitive proof that a notice has been issued, the RTP have reiterated several times that there is one in effect. They've not really got any teeth, anyway, they're just advisory notices that member police forces can choose to disregard if it suits them.
  2. Your posts appear to condone paying off the victim's family as culturally acceptable. No, my posts don't condone it, neither do they condemn the practice, I just pointed out that that was what had happened in this case. Having said that, compensation paid to victims families is "culturally acceptable" in Thailand.
  3. That was what was announced and I believe it applies nationwide. If you're contesting whether it was, or needed to be "Gazetted" (it was announced under the emergency decree), just sue when you're arrested, that'll teach 'em!
  4. Thought so! I'll leave it at that.
  5. The police should be really proud of themselves for taking 15 years to find this guy... They use UK, US, Australian and European police forces as examples.
  6. No one said that but it has to be investigated and that is what is happening.
  7. So you'd be ok if I ran over a member of your family while driving dangerously and at speed, high on drugs and drunk, if I made a cash payment? I neither said, nor implied, that. Why would you, bizarrely, think that would be the case?
  8. "We" don't need to see any proof. Someone has already posted the original publicly shown notice here.
  9. I'm sure that they'll be distraught to lose yours (that they never had in the first place). Doubt that they'll be calling in the administrators!
  10. Lazada , to verify my Bkk bank debit card. Lazada wanted your bank account number and bank statements? Don't believe it, that's not part of the process of just adding a debit card to your Lazada account.
  11. But not applicable to "some" people....... Yes, those people would be those charged with political corruption, no one else.
  12. Why have a go at countries other than Thailand? He's not wanted in any other country, hence he has free passage.
  13. Bounty hunters aren't legal here. There's no point in getting him back here illegally, the case against him would just be thrown out!
  14. Yes, his passport was revoked years ago. His assets have not been frozen, how could they be? Being wanted for a traffic offence, which is what he is charged with, does not mean that his assets can be frozen.
  15. Premchai Karnasuta would vehemently disagree with you! "...it would be similar to imprisoning the Saint" How could a fictitious character be imprisoned?
  16. He was single he had no family the amount paid was a pittance B3,000,000 was not considered "a pittance" to the members of his family who weren't supported, financially, by him and who agreed on the amount.
  17. You mean anyone else want to waste their time and then be prosecuted for abduction? No one's with you, this is real life, not television.
  18. He has been charged. Trial in absentia doesn't happen here for criminal cases, he has the basic legal right to attend his own trial and if a trial was held without him (it wouldn't be) any verdict would be invalid.
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